zihadmi Jordanie


Expatriée Jordanienne en Bulgarie
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Hello, I am Khaled Alsarraui, I live in Sofia / Bulgaria from 1985, I have Bulgarian nationality from 1989. My birth nationality is arabian. I got master degree in Geography of Tourism from Sofia University. I have been Teacher in special school here in Sofia. Now I am community manager in firm for software and game production and I have very good experience in translating and live support. I know Arabic, English and Bulgarian fluent, I know some Russian and Dauch. My wife is Tunisian and I wish I can be Arab country, because of my daughter to grow in Arabic arround people. Thank you. Regards Khaled alsarraui R

Je suis membre depuis le 25 Juin 2013.

  • Je parle Arabic, English, Bulgarian
  • Dans la vie, j'aime sport, computer, gardner, comunication media
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