Korean citizen
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Lives in Gangnung
Registration: 30 June 2013

Help Mollie Find a Forever Home! by upthecreek
Mollie is a sweet, shy, fair-tempered dog. She came to me as a timid little thing, half starved and frightened of many things. If you approached her without her realizing you're coming, she'd yelp. She would pee in fear if a man approached her, ...

Thanks for the info. I'll try that, but not to optimistic. Thanks again. Read More

Help Mollie Find a Forever Home!
Mollie is a sweet, shy, fair-tempered dog. She came to me as a timid little thing, half starved and frightened of many things. If you approached her without her realizing you're coming, she'd yelp. She would pee in fear if a man approached her, ... Read More