upthecreek Coréia do Sul


Upthecreek, Sul-coreano
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I know a dog who needs a new home. A friend of mine told me this, contacting South African community, could a good way to find a home for the dog. So, here I am, trying that out. I live in Busan, a Korean, married to an American. If anybody is interested in adopting or fostering this dog, please let me know; transedit@naver.com. Facts about the dog; small (about 5 kg), female, about three years old, no disease, good with humans and other dogs, rarely barks, very sweet, sheds hair more than average. Thank you.

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 30 Junho 2013.

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  • upthecreek
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Coréia do Sul

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