melium Malta


Maltese expat in Malta
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I run a brand and web development company out here on the sunny Island of Malta. Mediterranean bliss. An amazing country full of equally amazing people. Born in England in the half light of the swinging sixties, I'm half British, half Maltese and love both countries in equal measure. I enjoy the craft of writing and read across a wide spectrum. I have no time for lazy authors and Hemingway is my yardstick. I'm passionate about quality and craftsmanship. I love luxury in all it's forms but loath vicarious consumption. Luxury can be found in the quotidian if you know how to look. Japan is my first love.

I joined on 05 July 2013.

  • I can speak English (how typical, only one language)
  • Interests literature, Wine, Design, tennis, food, fashion, business, fishing, technology, Sailing, economics, Japan, junkshops, bitcoin

Expat experience

I am currently living here