wayangkulit Austrália


Wayangkulit, expatriado Australiano em França
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Hey! I have recently moved back to Lyon after a great five-year expatriation in Australia, Singapore and the beautiful islands of Indonesia. I want to broaden my circle of international friends so I can maintain my international 'way of thinking' and avoid turning into a snobbish French! ;) I am passionate about badminton and all things related to Southeast Asia (languages, culture, food, people). I can speak French, fluent English, Indonesian and Spanish! So hope to see you soon!

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 16 Julho 2013.

  • Falo French, English, Indonesian, Spanish
  • Gosto de hiking, traveling, food, beach, badminton, picnic, mountain
Registro de atividade
  • wayangkulit
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Lião

Experi�ncia expat

Desde Julho 2013
Lião, França
Abr 2012 - Ago 2012
Yogyakarta, Indonésia
Jul 2011 - Jul 2013
Singapore, Singapura
Jul 2008 - Dez 2010
Melbourne, Austrália