tiddle23745 Inghilterra


Espatriata Inglese nel Bahrain
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I lived in Saudi Arabia for many years and loved it. I returned to the UK for five years and hated it. I now live in Bahrain (which is so expensive, but worth every penny), with my 13 yr old daugher. Her schooling is fantastic, there is no messing around, yet she has more fun at school than she ever thought possible. The local people a wonderful. Im not working, as yet:I do not a soul, but I dont think it will take too long. My husband works in Saudi can comes over a couple times a week: we go to all the wonderful bars (even though I dont drink).

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 12 Marzo 2010

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  • tiddle23745
    espatriato nel Bahrain

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