Vie1961 Canada


Canadian looking for information about Ecuador
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I am from Ottawa, Ontario Canada working for the Government. I am French Canadian and I have two sons who are now young adults (no longer living with me). I am planning to take an early retirement, either December 2017 or December 2018 at the latest. I am seriously looking into retiring overseas to Ecuador but am not yet sure as to which city. From what I have researched so far, what attracts me so far is the weather, quality health care, healthy lifestyle, very low cost of living, friendly people and beautiful scenery. I want to experience something different, new adventures, re-invent myself, live a more relaxed lifestyle, make new friends. This would be a very big move for me, especially since I'd be doing it solo. I know it would not be easy at first but for starters I want to visit Ecuador and hope to go in summer/fall 2016. I have been doing a lot of reading on retiring overseas and financial planning for retirement and am getting a little overwhelmed but in a good way. I'm hoping to get more information from anyone here who is either planning to move to Ecuador or already living there. My next challenge is trying to learn how to speak starting intro lessons this month. Looking forward to chatting and exchanging information and making new friends. Sylvie

I joined on 09 August 2013.

  • I can speak English and French
  • Interests animals, making new friends, interior decorating, Ecuador, renovations, Retiring overseas
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Expat experience

I would like to move there
Salinas, Santa Elena, Ecuador
I am currently living here