Mo43 Irlanda


Mo43, Irlandesa procurando informa��o sobre nos Emirados Árabes Unidos
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I come from the middle of Ireland - a small place called Roscrea in Tipperary. I lived in London for many years and returned to Dublin in 2003 with my husband Steven. I made a big career change in January this year having worked with Homeless People for over 22 years to becoming a Fitness Instructor and Personal Training. Fitness and Health are my passions in life. When I left school I trained as a Mental Health Nurse and then diverted into Homeless Services. My husband has secured a job in Ras Al Khaimah, starting in December so we are all moving out at the end of November - 2 sons aged 6 and 9 and our two cats and one dog! We are very excited about the move but will probably have lots of questions for fellow expats on moving to RAK!!

Inscrevi-me ao no dia 28 Agosto 2013.

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  • Mo43
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Emirados Árabes Unidos

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