Ahmedalhadi Palestina


Espatriato Palestinese negli Emirati Arabi
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Hi, I would like to be part of this community and here I'm introducing myself. As shown in my profile my name is Ahmed, Palestinian lives in Dubai for 6 years now and working as an Assistant Manager in a regional firm specialized in the protection of Intellectual Properties (IP). I'm married right now and recently me and my wife got a baby girl filled our life with life and love. I wish everybody can has such an amazing experience. I got my university education in Cairo -Egypt and the 5 years I spend there were the most amazing days I enjoyed abroad especially that I'm in love with historical places and Museums whereas Egypt has one of the oldest civilizations over the world. I'm always looking forward to have a new good friends and do my best to be a best friend of mine as well. Cheers, Ahmed

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 03 Settembre 2013

Registro delle attività
  • Ahmedalhadi
    espatriato negli Emirati Arabi

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Emirati Arabi
Emirati Arabi