ryba Russia


Espatriato Russo in Togo
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i am a russian, living in togo this time, where i'm farming. I have initiated an NGO called GEEMC. for the protection of the nature and promotion of clean farming. i am 42 years now, there is a lot of space in africa for farming, so i tried to catch the opportunity. i beleave farming is the only real job for mankind, as i consider others like just a way to make money in the sense of not knowing what to do with one's life. And unfortunately for the maximum, they think farming is for poor or lowly people. So why not hiding myself with people that many do not consider? That's me!!!!!

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 13 Settembre 2013

  • Parlo français, anglais, le russe est ma langue maternelle
  • Interessi personali Le sérieux
Registro delle attività
  • ryba
    espatriato in Togo

Percorso di espatrio

Gen 2005 - Feb 2005
Mandouri, Togo
Mostra tutto

i was there on a training program, when i initiated local farmers on a reafforestation project with Afrique Ecole NGO. i found a site very suitable for fishfarm on very large scale,

there one may feel lonely, even at this time of the third millenium, some places are still isolated, like a desert; there is one desert in Togo, its name is Kpendjal.

Gen 2005 - Feb 2005
Mandouri, Togo
Mostra tutto

i was there on a training program, when i initiated local farmers on a reafforestation project with Afrique Ecole NGO. i found a site very suitable for fishfarm on very large scale,

there one may feel lonely, even at this time of the third millenium, some places are still isolated, like a desert; there is one desert in Togo, its name is Kpendjal.

Ott 1997 - Ott 2012
Ibadan, Nigeria
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toujours pareil

beaucoup y sont oisifs comme beaucoup en afrique d'ailleurs

Ott 1997 - Ott 2012
Ibadan, Nigeria
Mostra tutto

toujours pareil

beaucoup y sont oisifs comme beaucoup en Afrique d'ailleurs
