


New member

American expat in Thailand

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Lives in Chiang Rai

Speaks english,

Registration: 09 April 2010


talbot983 replied to a thread
14 years ago

chiang mai real estate by kenk24

I might be looking to buy something up there - what is the market like? Prices do not seem to be down - I might be interested in a condo w/amenities but i do have a thai wife and can buy land & house too -


Hi; The land is about 8 Kilometere out of town center about the same distance as the white temple. In Nong Ma. on den ha road. It is on raised land with NO flooding and only 1 falang Neighbor. The lake (pond) is stocked. the land is fenced on all 4 ... Read More

talbot983 created a thread
14 years ago

moving to Chiang Rai

Any "GOOD" freight forwarders and local agents to get my 100 cu foot of boxes on pallets from the port in BKK to Chiang Rai. And ball park cost for about 100 lbs and any knoledge on fees, etc. are needed as well Read More

talbot983 replied to a thread
14 years ago

Moving soon to Bangkok and.. I really need help for the apt!PLEASE :) by Anitata

I know I know I know..I am sure everyone passed by this moment, but I am here with my maps all over my desk trying to figure out at least the location of my job place. My company offered me a 10 months contract in Bangkok and they kindly gave me ...


It depends on where your job is and how your tollerance for traffic is. If it's colse to thr GTS sky train a monthly pass is the best way to go. It also depends on your comfort on neighborhood and if you want hot watter too! been ... Read More

talbot983 replied to a thread
14 years ago
Stuart Foulkes

Expatriate Thailand Ownership – Do I need to pay outright with Cash??? by Stuart Foulkes

In order to purchase a: house, business, bar, hotel, apartment, condominium or land, an expatriate usually has 2 options. 1. Pay with own cash 2. Borrow some money In Thailand, there are commonly known restrictions for a foreigner / expatriate to ...


If you want to "own" (not gonna happen) You as a Fanang can own a condo, as long as there are NOT more than 49% Falang ownere. You will NEVER own the land. Yes you can buy it under a buissiness, but the same rules apply not ovet a 49% falang ... Read More

talbot983 replied to a thread
14 years ago

chiang mai real estate by kenk24

I might be looking to buy something up there - what is the market like? Prices do not seem to be down - I might be interested in a condo w/amenities but i do have a thai wife and can buy land & house too -


I have a total of 4 Rai in Chiang Rai for sale All or part. 3 rai of land with 1 rai of lake. Land is flat , has been raises, and has a private road to the site. Please let me know if you are interested. Read More

talbot983 replied to a thread
14 years ago

American beef/steaks broker expanding business to thailand/Help ! by wllmsmpsn

Hello, My name is Clayton and i am seeking market research opinoins on weather or not i should start an american steak distribution company in the pattaya and surrounding area/Bangkok. I have been in the meat business for 15 yrs in the usa and done ...


I live in Northern thailand and am looking for rib eye, NY steaks and loin strips. could you provide me with a price If frozen I can pick up in Bangkok, or have bussed north. Read More

talbot983 replied to a thread
14 years ago

scooters by thecarpenter

I'm a 190 lb man will those 100 cc Honda bikes hold up with my weight on it? Whats the best bike on the market? thank you


I am over your weight and have had a honda Ckick for a few years now, No trouble and a top speed of over 85 KPH So far a good bike. Read More