American expat in Ecuador
6 posts
About me
Registration: 17 November 2013
Best bank for checking/saving account? by bkiser
Hello, all. I am planning my first trip, and would like to go ahead and start an account with a bank. Would prefer to use a bank that has available ATMs in different locations, if possible, as I plan to do some traveling in country. Also, I ...
Never had a problem getting a relatively easy things done at the bank. When there's a problem with the account and you need to discuss technical things that's when you need to be fluent in Spanish. Read More
Best bank for checking/saving account? by bkiser
Hello, all. I am planning my first trip, and would like to go ahead and start an account with a bank. Would prefer to use a bank that has available ATMs in different locations, if possible, as I plan to do some traveling in country. Also, I ...
Don't know where you got your information but I lived and worked in Quito 2013-2016. What I stated is what I experienced in Quito. Read More
Best bank for checking/saving account? by bkiser
Hello, all. I am planning my first trip, and would like to go ahead and start an account with a bank. Would prefer to use a bank that has available ATMs in different locations, if possible, as I plan to do some traveling in country. Also, I ...
USA Read More
Best bank for checking/saving account? by bkiser
Hello, all. I am planning my first trip, and would like to go ahead and start an account with a bank. Would prefer to use a bank that has available ATMs in different locations, if possible, as I plan to do some traveling in country. Also, I ...
Produbanco at mall Jardin in Mariana de jesus. I assume they're still there. The professionals are the young generation. They learn English in school and are fluent but are shy when it comes to using it in their jobs. They usually won't do ... Read More
Best bank for checking/saving account? by bkiser
Hello, all. I am planning my first trip, and would like to go ahead and start an account with a bank. Would prefer to use a bank that has available ATMs in different locations, if possible, as I plan to do some traveling in country. Also, I ...
At Produbanco where I had my accounts I was told one day that I either need to speak clear spanish or get out of line. You'll need a local to go and interpret if your Spanish is not fluent. Read More
Best bank for checking/saving account? by bkiser
Hello, all. I am planning my first trip, and would like to go ahead and start an account with a bank. Would prefer to use a bank that has available ATMs in different locations, if possible, as I plan to do some traveling in country. Also, I ...
I lived in Quito for 3 years. Don't use a small bank, it's not uncommon to wake one day and hear the news that a bank in out of business and that the president left with all the money in the middle of the night. No joke. Read More