semran Egitto


Cittadina Egiziana che cerca informazioni nella Corea del Sud
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MY name is Samar from Egypt and i love name Simran becoz i adore India. since 2 years i started learning Hindi nd Now i am in the Diploma after finishing Diploma i will travel to India to continue learning Hindi ... My fav. actor the king Shahrukh Khan actress Karina kapoor I want to have many friends from India so I can contact wiz them when I travel to India( India jai ho) ..I hate lairs,unkindest people, racialism, boys who puts or shares pervert photos and I dont know how they think that is a normal things 2 share !!!!!

Sono un utente di dal 27 Novembre 2013

  • Parlo Arabic, English and  Hindi a little bit
  • Interessi personali Hindi movies and songs
Registro delle attività
  • semran
    espatriato a Seul

Percorso di espatrio

Vorrei trasferirmi lì
Corea del Sud
Seul, Corea del Sud
Mostra tutto

I will move to Korea so soon


Dal Agosto 1986
Cairo, India
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