Santa Fe

Santa Fe

New member

American looking for information about Ecuador

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Registration: 11 December 2013


Santa Fe replied to a thread
11 years ago

Somewhere warmer than Cuenca by dreams-of-latin-america

Since I know there's really no accurate online source of weather information for Ecuador, I'm hoping some actual residents can help me answer this question. I keep reading that Cuenca is, essentially, a cool to cold place, yet with enough humidity ...

Santa Fe

Hi, thank you for your reply. It was a much nicer reply than hearing I didn't clean my house properly. Lol I appreciate your thoughts. I could see myself living in Cuenca very happily but not if there is mold. I was also thinking of checking ... Read More

Santa Fe replied to a thread
11 years ago

So interested in Cuenca! by thesherins

Hello My wife and I are coming to Ecuador this summer to check things out before we retire in 2 years (teachers and coaches). Can anyone tell me where we can meet expats to get to know the real Cuenca scene? Is there a local hangout? Gracias Marty

Santa Fe

Thanks for your input. The mold I am talking about is not the type that you can scrub's the type u don't usually is behind a wall's aspergillus mold. It is the black mold that is found behind the wall in ... Read More

Santa Fe replied to a thread
11 years ago

So interested in Cuenca! by thesherins

Hello My wife and I are coming to Ecuador this summer to check things out before we retire in 2 years (teachers and coaches). Can anyone tell me where we can meet expats to get to know the real Cuenca scene? Is there a local hangout? Gracias Marty

Santa Fe

I was so excited about looking into Cuenca to live ....BUT THERE IS MOLD THERE. It is so rainy that it causes mold and mildew. No thank you. If that gets into your body it is almost impossible to get rid of it. Read More

Santa Fe replied to a thread
11 years ago

Somewhere warmer than Cuenca by dreams-of-latin-america

Since I know there's really no accurate online source of weather information for Ecuador, I'm hoping some actual residents can help me answer this question. I keep reading that Cuenca is, essentially, a cool to cold place, yet with enough humidity ...

Santa Fe

I am looking at Ecuador to retire. I have lived in MX. In the past so I understand living in a foreign country. I need a place that is not moldy since I have had mold illness in the US due to Home Depot installing a dishwasher incorrectly........I ... Read More