William Santiago Brésil

William Santiago

Citoyen Brésilien
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Hi William, First of all I have to congratulate you on your excellent job - I've read a few pieces of information here and I like the way you communicate with the ones who need your help. Thanks a lot sir. I am Wlliam Santiago from RdO and I would like to know what a foreigner can do do in order to stay in Brazil for a year. I know about the 180 days and I have helped a few of them but I have a Language School where I also teach Portuguese as a foreign language but it is not a MEC school I mean it is a private one. But I wish I could use my school and help people who come here to study with me stay longer than six months. What pieces of advice would you give to me sir. Um abraço e muito obrigado. wmsantiago 55-22-9-8818-6940

Je suis membre depuis le 13 Décembre 2013.

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