CHAINE Yannick
New memberFrench Polynesian citizen
5 posts
About me
French Polynesian
Lives in Shanghai
Speaks French and English
Registration: 19 April 2010
Living in French Polynesia by
You are living in French Polynesia, or you used to live in French Polynesia. Share your experience! How would you describe life in French Polynesia? Has it been complicated to settle down, to find an accommodation and a job? Is it complicated ...
I would describe life in French Polynesia as: expensive In order to settle down, you have to get money. There are some well paid jobs, but you have to work in the good fields. It is quite difficult to make friends with locals, because they have ... Read More
How to buy property? by melissahetaraka
As we are in the tourism industry in NZ i very interestend in how property purchases work..
what do you mean? Can you be more precise? Read More
Do and don't in French Polynesia by
Are you living in French Polynesia? We need you to share your experience of the local customs :) Is it difficult to adjust to the local customs in French Polynesia? Could you please share with us a list of the do's and don't's in French ...
Do stay humble, because Tahitians like to fight. Do not exhibate your wealth, because they have stereotypes. Try to speak and behave like them , so they will treat you like one of them. Don't argue with them, just tell them they're right, so they ... Read More
Cost of living in French Polynesia by
Hi everybody, It would be very useful to talk about the cost of living in French Polynesia. Don't forget to mention where in French Polynesia you are living. How much does it cost to live in French Polynesia? > accommodation prices > public ...
Hello, since i lived in Tahiti for 20 years, --> Public transportation are about 1.5 euro, but the timetable is not often respected. --> Food is so expensive, specially if you like eating exported goods. I cant really tell you how much it cost me, ... Read More
How to make friends in French Polynesia by
We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals and other expats) when you're living in French Polynesia :top: Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in French ...
Hi, You must know that life in French polynesia is really expensive (food, taxi, housing) Regarding the job, it depends in what field you work. But you must know that in Tahiti, if you want to have good perks, good job position, it's (really ... Read More