Julian09 EUA


Julian09, expatriada Americana na Lituânia
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My husband has accepted a short-term job (6 mos-1yr) in Vilnius beginning in the Fall. I would like to study language and also possibly tutor students who are interested in learning English. I'm interested in volunteering someplace working with kids or possibly an animal shelter. We're interested in art, music,dance, sailing, kayaking. Any suggestions for activities, etc. in Lithuania?

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 23 Abril 2010.

  • Gosto de sailing, music, diving, Fine Arts, dogs, snorkeling, kids
Registro de atividade
  • Julian09
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Lituânia

Experi�ncia expat

Desde Dezembro 2014
Vilnius, Lituânia
Desde Maio 2014
Washington, EUA
Desde Janeiro 2014
Cidade de Ho Chi Minh , Vietname
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Writing, photography. Language and culture study. Cooking classes.

Jan 2013 - Jul 2013
Chengdu, China
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Language study. Calligraphy study. Writing, photography.

AIR QUALITY is horrible. One reason I left when I did.Still foreigners are somewhat of an oddity in Chengdu. You're stared at and have photo taken daily-at least I did.

Nov 2010 - Mar 2010
Ilha Mauricía
Mont Choisy, Ilha Mauricía
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Language study. Writing, photography. Sailing, snorkeling, kayaking, swimming,

Expensive. Economic disparity.

Out 2010 - Abr 2011
Podgorica, Montenegro
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Writing, photography.

Economically depressed. Many people unemployed or waiting long periods for back pay owed.

Jan 2009 - Abr 2009
Skopje, Macedónia
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Language study. Writing, Photography.

Economically depressed. Lots of people unemployed.

Set 2007 - Mai 2008
Berna, Suiça
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Language study (German), English language tutor, writing projects, photography, American Women's Group participation.

Difficult to get to know people.

Ago 2005 - Out 2005
Londres, Inglaterra
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Writing, photography, language study, TEFL

High prices. Especially unfavorable $ exchange for US dollar at the time. .

Abr 1977 - Abr 2011
Northeastern Washington, EUA