

New member

American looking for information about Libya

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Registration: 04 January 2014


goodfeeling replied to a thread
11 years ago

Misrata by goodfeeling

Salaam to everyone! I am inquiring about the city of Misratah. I understand that the situation everywhere changes, but could someone who has recent experience there tell me the atmosphere of that city? Is it safe to walk around ? When I "google ...


shukran!! I am so happy you wrote me back- ( I am still new to this blog site , would you inform me how i could find your link to read your blog/ photos on Misrata please?) Read More

goodfeeling created a thread
11 years ago


Salaam to everyone! I am inquiring about the city of Misratah. I understand that the situation everywhere changes, but could someone who has recent experience there tell me the atmosphere of that city? Is it safe to walk around ? When I "google ... Read More

goodfeeling replied to a thread
11 years ago

work permit and medical by goodfeeling

Salaam everyone in Libya. I am a US citizen who is in the prospect of a new teaching ESL job for 4 months. I plan to stay in Libya for only 4 months. I have a ( HIV) but is FULLY MANAGED and monitored by my doctor. I plan to have my medicine sent ...


Salaam Jameela Thank you for your message. Will I need to present the certificate immediately upon arrival , or blood tests done within my four month visit? Is it possible to just work for 4 months on a Business visa? ( 3 months and extend it for ... Read More

goodfeeling replied to a thread
11 years ago

work permit and medical by goodfeeling

Salaam everyone in Libya. I am a US citizen who is in the prospect of a new teaching ESL job for 4 months. I plan to stay in Libya for only 4 months. I have a ( HIV) but is FULLY MANAGED and monitored by my doctor. I plan to have my medicine sent ...


thanks!! Read More

goodfeeling created a thread
11 years ago

work permit and medical

Salaam everyone in Libya. I am a US citizen who is in the prospect of a new teaching ESL job for 4 months. I plan to stay in Libya for only 4 months. I have a ( HIV) but is FULLY MANAGED and monitored by my doctor. I plan to have my medicine sent ... Read More