American looking for information about Costa Rica
Forum posts
About me
Lives in salt lake
Registration: 10 January 2014

Free Flight In CR? Any of ya'll paraglide or hang glide down in CR?
I'm moving down to CR next week and was wondering if there are any paraglider/ hang glider pilots on here? Looking for some fellow sky gypsies to show us some flight sights! ,,,,, Anyone,,,,,,,, Beuller,,,,, Read More

Flying into San Jose, need to get to Jaco, whats the best way, bus,car
I'm coming down to stay with a friend in Jaco next week. I'm flying into San Jose, and need to get to Jaco and was wondering what is the best (safest) way to do this? I will have several bags and a paraglider so i'll have some luggage,I've been told ... Read More

Moving to Jaco, schools to learn Spanish there?
I'm moving To Jaco at the end of Feb and was wondering,,,,,what are the best options for schools to learn Spanish for different levels down there, does anyone have any experience with any? Thx, Jer Read More