Single permit

Hi! Maybe someone can help with this.

I lived in Belgium for two years as a student, meaning that I had a residence permit which expired at the end of october. Now I got a job offer and I know that I need to apply to the single permit. But does someone know if there is the possibility to change my status from student to worker in the commune even when my residence card is expired? So I can start working already. I know I could have done it with my contract when my card was still available but not sure if I can do it anymore. The company wants me to start on January but for what I read it will take much longer.

Thank you!

Hi! Maybe someone can help with this.
I lived in Belgium for two years as a student, meaning that I had a residence permit which expired at the end of october. Now I got a job offer and I know that I need to apply to the single permit. But does someone know if there is the possibility to change my status from student to worker in the commune even when my residence card is expired? So I can start working already. I know I could have done it with my contract when my card was still available but not sure if I can do it anymore. The company wants me to start on January but for what I read it will take much longer.
Thank you!

Hello Annie, I came to Belgium as a student two years ago, and I got a job as well. I am currently waiting for my work permit. I don't know exactly what you would want to know

@Annie2005 you need wait for single permit. But I get approval of your 1st part of single permit which is work permit. you can go to commune to ask for anex 49, with you might able to start the work as we are already living in the country.

@Annie2005 you need wait for single permit. But I get approval of your 1st part of single permit which is work permit. you can go to commune to ask for anex 49, with you might able to start the work as we are already living in the country.

Nobody is going to give her a work permit personally. Her employer must apply on her behalf, and I would like to know if she did apply for an orientation year to make her stay valid in Belgium.