Lubumbashi International School

Hi to you all. I'm looking for any information about the International School in Lubumbashi.

I'm a prospective teacher trying to gather as much inside information as possible before accepting a posting and really want to work in DRC but I can find very little about this school online. Does anyone have children here or know any teachers/ parents who can tell me if it's a trustworthy school that looks after it's teachers and students and would be happy to recommend? Be happy to find out anything about it. Thanks to you in advance.

@Deepee Lubumbashi is a good place to live and work. Lubumbashi international school has a good record. Consider the offer. It's a good choice. I am a Nigerian citizen living in lubumbashi since 2007.

Francis Okey


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@Deepee Hi, did you accept the position in the British International school in Lubumbashi? If so, how it is? I would love to hear about it, I am considering moving there too.


Yes , I am living in Democratic Republic of Congo ,

Province of Haut-Katanga Town LUBUMBASHI.

Exactly It is the good Opportunity to progress and good organizationin this school.


Thanks for your rey, I really appreciate it.

Thanks, and hopefully see you soon in Lubumbashi 1f60a.svg.



Dear Laura ,

Welcome in Democratic Republic of Congo ,


My Sincere greetings excellency