Online visa renewals and expiry of documents

Online visa renewals until the end of 2023

Automatic visa renewals (Golden visas included) will first become available for visas that expire between 1 January and 31 March 2023 and will be phased in until the end of 2023.

Automatic renewals will only be available for citizens whose biometric data has already been collected by SEF and the documentation has already been delivered. … e-496aaa37 … cia-no-sef

Extension of validity of several documents

Visas which expired in the last 15 days of December remain valid until the end of 2023.

In addition to easier automatic renewal of visas, all documents and visas relating to stay in Portuguese territory whose validity expires on 30 December 2022, or within the 15 days immediately before, will be considered valid until 31 December 2023.

After this date, documents will continue to be accepted, provided that the holder proves that they have already booked their renewal.

Decree-Law 90/2022: … -205493447

What does this mean for someone whose visa expired on 19th December 2022, but has an appointment with sef on Feb 9? Does this apply?

Hello JohnnyPT,

Thank you for all these details and info.

This thread has now been pinned.


Yoginee team

what does it mean by? can you please explain me in detail?

Thank you so much

Ramkumar kadariya


If you already have an appointment, lucky you. You must go to SEF on the scheduled day, obviously.

Note that this online renewal is for those who already have a residence visa, and that visa has already expired and could not get an appointment due to difficulties in contacting SEF. In this case, you will have to register on the SEF website and make the request to renew your visa.


Why do you need more details ?... Read it carefully...

Any word on if this also applies to tourist visas? Our daughter, a university student, arrived in Portugal with us in July, and stayed with us as a tourist until the beginning of September.

Then, she left to Germany to attend University there as an exchange student. There, she was issued a “Zusatzblatt” (residence permit) that gave her permission to reside in Germany until the end of February. She will be flying to Lisbon on February 22. Does Decree-Law No. 90/2022 mean she can legally stay with us in Lisbon? Her student housing back in the US won't let her move in until May 1, 2023. She can stay with family in the US until that date, but we would rather she stayed with us here in Lisbon, if that is allowed under Decree-Law No. 90/2022.

Any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

So i've just learnt - don't know if this is worth anyone knowing if you have a SEF appointment & can't find your documents, you should still go to the SEF meeting with your passport on the date & your then given 10-days to get everything together. BUT if you have to reschedule the appointment for whatever reason, you will be put to the back of the line & might end up waiting 1-year to get a new appointment. So my tip is make sure you attend!!


So what happened? Normally the airline is supposed to control only identity on an intra Schengen flight.

Decreto lei 90/2022

Os documentos e vistos relativos à permanência em território nacional, cuja validade

expire a partir da data de entrada em vigor do presente decreto-lei ou nos 15 dias imediatamente

anteriores, são aceites, nos mesmos termos, até 31 de dezembro de 2023.

A tourist visa is not permanência so the decreto lei does not apply to it.

The German visa does not concern território nacional so the decreto lei does not apply to it.

Assuming she has no favored nationality or right to residence for particular reason like being married, she is an illegal alien.

The practical consequence is null. I don't think the police would do anything in the case of routine control. If she does something wrong, she can be expelled all the same with or without a visa.

Please argue if you like.

There is some confusion. SEF does not deal with visas but only residence permits. A visa is something delivered by an embassy allowing you to enter the country for a few months. A residence permit is something delivered by the SEF to somebody who is already in Portugal and plans to stay for years. "Golden visa" is very misleading and anyway Portugal has decided to stop it.

I already posted this in another thread, but as it bears on the subject here -- the following edict appears to provide another extension like the one described in the top post, this time to summer of 2025.


3.    Na sequência da apresentação e aprovação do Plano de Ação para as Migrações:
a.    Aprovou o Decreto-lei que aprova as regras de execução desse plano, nomeadamente: (i) atribuindo à Agência para a Integração, Migrações e Asilo (AIMA) uma missão de atração proativa de imigrantes; (ii) assumindo e valorizando o Observatório das Migrações como órgão da AIMA; e (iii) prorrogando por um ano, até 30 de junho de 2025, a validade dos documentos e vistos relativos à permanência em território nacional;
b.    Aprovou a Resolução do Conselho de Ministros que cria a "Estrutura de Missão para a Recuperação de Processos Pendentes na AIMA", que será responsável por analisar e decidir os processos pendentes de regularização de estrangeiros. A Estrutura de Missão funcionará até 2 de junho de 2025, contará com até 300 pessoas dedicadas a funções quer de tramitação administrativa dos processos, quer de atendimento aos requerentes.

Which is to say, it looks like deadlines are now end of next June.  For various things.  I'd check to verify that your visa is included, but probably is.  Could be a major tangle at that time, if there aren't further revisions to that schedule.

And they're going to hire maybe ("até") 300 more staff to work on it.

Documents and visas relating to stay in national territory, which expired from 22 February 2020, are valid until 30 June 2025 and are accepted by Portuguese public authorities, for all legal purposes. … BA%2C%20n. … s-e-vistos