Government schools for expats

Good Morning

I Hope everone is well!

I would like to know about the government schools in mauritius   are expats children allowed to go to these schools? If so, what is the school fees per year? Our current budget does not allow for international schooling but once my husband and I secure jobs then we can go the private school route. Also can anyone suggest which government schools are of high quality and the subjects are taught in English meduim.

I look forward to all the help I can get.

Thank you very much

Kind Regards

Fatima Cassim

Hello Fatima,

Government schools are open to everyone. They are free (maybe PTA fees + uniform, books etc are at the expense of the parents)

English is not a teaching medium nor a communication medium (except fro subjects that need to be taught in English). Even then, teachers will explain to some extent in french as it is more convenient.

Also french is mandatory as subject.

French and creole will be widely used to teach and communicate.

English is a teaching/communication medium only in private english medium schools.

Try to find a cheap english medium school, a half way between government and private school.

All the best


Thank you for all the information Bhavna. Do you know of any cheap English meduim schools I can contact? Or if anyone else know of good schools that are not as pricey as the international schools.

There are some recommandations in the the Guide > page 86 : … nglish.pdf

Not all of them are mainstream english private schools.

You might want to contact them and enquire about fees.

There's also :

St Nicholas Grammar school


Hamptom etc.

I didn't ask, are you looking for pre-primary, primary or secondary school ?

Thanks, I will have a look at them, I'm looking for a Primary School.

Hiya Fatima Cassim,

Some information regarding mid-priced private primary schools, based on my experience and interactions, which might be of help to ya:


Long established school with proven academic and child developmental level. A nice percentage of expats make up the student population.

Step Ahead

Another well established school with proven academic level and offering a myriad of extra curricular activities. Unique school set-up due to the natural environment and wonderful views from the school.


Largest private school group of the island. But their primary schools level is still quite unproven and their quality of education becoming somewhat diluted according to parents due to increased focus on quantity.


Another school with an interesting curriculum (academic and developmental) but with their level still unproven.

Monthly fees in the range MUR7000-8000.


Thank you Leah, this is soo helpful

@fatimacassim93 Aslm Fatima, you asked the exact same quetion and scenario i am facing. Please contat me privately as i have lots of questions.. Thnk you very much to @leah for the awesome reply


Hi Leah. Thank you for all info you gave, I'm just wondering; do you know if schooling is compulsory in Mauritius for all ages? My son is 12 and will be 13 by the time we arrive in Mauritius to live next year. He is currently homeschooled and world prefer to carry on with this at least until we've settled in a bit. But he may well want to go to regular school after a while in order to make friends and integrate more into Mauritian Life... We will be able to afford a nice mid-price International high school. Do you have a list of any of this type at all?

Many thanks, Dawn Griffiths 🙏🏾

Compulsory until 16 yrs, homeschooling allowed or online academies


Salaams Fatima

We are also looking to move to Mauritius from SA and wanted to also understand the schooling structure and fees in Mauritius.

The Private Schools are very pricey

Can we perhaps chat further



Salaams Fatima

We are from South Africa and looking to move to mauritius. Private schools seems highly expensive. Did you get the information you asked for regarding Government Schools and can you share with me please.

