Any Brit Teaching English in Vung Tau?

Do we have any British citizens on the forum who are teaching or tutoring English in Vũng Tàu?

(please don't share contact information here, send it to me in a private message)

Perhaps you know someone who fits those qualifications that you can recommend?

Friend of the forum Ciambella has a Vietnamese friend in VT who wants private tutoring in English, only from a Brit.


I'm assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that the VN student wants a tutor/teacher who speaks what is known as Received Pronunciation (Queen's/BBC/Oxford English), which is what many perceive to be the dominant British dialect.

Would be hilarious to hear a VN who, after intense and disciplined study, winds up speaking Cockney! :)

There are almost 40 (at last count) British dialects.

I'm assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that the VN student wants a tutor/teacher who speaks what is known as Received Pronunciation (Queen's/BBC/Oxford English), which is what many perceive to be the dominant British dialect.
Would be hilarious to hear a VN who, after intense and disciplined study, winds up speaking Cockney! smile.png
There are almost 40 (at last count) British dialects.
-@Aidan in HCMC

It's the fiancée insisting on/paying for it.

I've no clue as to his dialect, but he's told her he wants her to learn BE before he takes her home with him to the UK.

Once there are applicants for the position, he will interview & approve/reject.

I'm assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that the VN student wants a tutor/teacher who speaks what is known as Received Pronunciation (Queen's/BBC/Oxford English), which is what many perceive to be the dominant British dialect.
Would be hilarious to hear a VN who, after intense and disciplined study, winds up speaking Cockney! smile.png
There are almost 40 (at last count) British dialects.
-@Aidan in HCMC

It's the fiancée insisting on/paying for it.

I've no clue as to his dialect, but he's told her he wants her to learn BE before he takes her home with him to the UK.

Once there are applicants for the position, he will interview & approve/reject.

From my experience, Vietnamese function better in a classroom environment. Maybe get him to look at some of the better schools in VT.

I'm assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that the VN student wants a tutor/teacher who speaks what is known as Received Pronunciation (Queen's/BBC/Oxford English), which is what many perceive to be the dominant British dialect.
Would be hilarious to hear a VN who, after intense and disciplined study, winds up speaking Cockney! smile.png
There are almost 40 (at last count) British dialects.
-@Aidan in HCMC

It's the fiancée insisting on/paying for it.

I've no clue as to his dialect, but he's told her he wants her to learn BE before he takes her home with him to the UK.

Once there are applicants for the position, he will interview & approve/reject.
From my experience, Vietnamese function better in a classroom environment. Maybe get him to look at some of the better schools in VT.

C. says:

"She already picked a school called Ky Nguyen but they are American English.

He asked her to find BE.

He works in Kuala Lumpur, oil rig, one month on one month off (he's on now) so he can't check out schools for her."


"That school told her (I'm not sure if it's correct or not) that's there isn't a BE school in VT. That's why I thought of a tutor"

What about a work permit?

I know that it's a "grey area", but I thought it had been determined on this forum that private tutoring was "unlawful"?

Anywayz, she may have to go with Aussie English, the next best thing.

What about a work permit?
I know that it's a "grey area", but I thought it had been determined on this forum that private tutoring was "unlawful"?

Anywayz, she may have to go with Aussie English, the next best thing.

Definitely, anyone attempting to do so while here on a tourist visa will be seen as "illegal" if any officials find out.

That's been the key point of recent discussions, and I'm not asking for any tourists to apply.

It will be up to C. to insure legalities before passing along her recommendation.

Another reason for replies by PM.


I once wrote a rather detailed post about why most Vietnamese seem to prefer to learn North American pronunciation but I won't go into that as we now know that it is the fiance who is paying and apparently British English is his preference and not necessarily hers.   What I will say now is that no amount of tutoring is likely to significantly impact this young lady's pronunciation compared to the impact of her first year in Great Britain.   A lot will depend on where in the country they live and the socio-economic status of her neighbors.  Does the future husband even speak Received Pronunciation himself?