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Book a Flight Reservation for your Visa Application.
Verifiable on Airline's Websites.
Instant & secure booking from just $14.
100% automated. No delays, no stress.
Verified booking. A 100% genuine reservation.
Valid for 48h or 14 days.
Applying for a visa? Can't buy a flight ticket because you don't have fixed travel plans?
Onward Ticket™ is a service that allows you to book a verified flight reservation for your visa application within a few seconds.
We make a legitimate, verifiable flight reservation on your behalf - and deliver it to your inbox in minutes. It's the smarter, cheaper way to travel with complete freedom.
What is Onward Ticket™?
Onward Ticket™ provides a service which delivers flight reservations made by a registered travel agency that come with a PNR(Passenger Name Record)-Code which is verifiable on major airline's websites.
Why use Onward Ticket™?
- Fast: Receive a valid flight reservation in less than 2 minutes!
- Easy: We made the process as simple as possible.
- Real: We make a 100% real flight reservation. You can check the validity of your flight reservation on major airline’s websites.
What do I receive?
You receive a PDF document that includes a flight itinerary for your selected route and a PNR code that confirms your reservation.
How long is the flight reservation valid?
Our flight reservations are valid for at least 48 hours. You can select the option to extend the validity for up to 2 weeks.
Can you change the details on my flight reservation?
No, our website makes the reservation instantly. So after your order nothing can be changed. If you require any changes you will need to make a new booking.
Is it possible to select the flight that will be booked?
Not at the moment. But it is possible to receive a guaranteed direct flight. With this option, you won't have any stop-overs in any other countries.
Do I have to cancel the flight?
No, if we don't hear anything back from you we will automatically cancel your reservation.
Do I receive an e-ticket number?
No, an e-ticket number is not included in a reservation. If you require an e-ticket number, you will need to buy the full ticket.
Do I pay for the full price of the flight?
No, this is just a flight reservation so you’re not paying for the full price of the flight. You only need to pay the flight reservation fee.
Can I use my flight reservation to fly?
No, this is a flight reservation only. Please contact us if you want to pay for the flight to receive a ticket you can use to travel.