Living in the south blue bay

Hello guys. We really felt in love with the South but wondered how live is there? I dont mean expat community as i like to meet locals..any experience? safety? Lifestyle?

Hey Laura, ive just befriended 2 sourtherners on FB and they say its so affordable there and has much more than people lead you to believe. I'm visiting them in May as well as the North and West to determine what is best and will also be deciding. All i can say is dont let peeps tell you what's best for you... go and decide for yourself :-D

@faniemohamed i like your view on things your absolutely right thanks for the input 👍


only a pleasure! I would like to ask, are you also planning on immigrating or going nomad? We have also started our plans and want to be settled by Sept of this year for the latest. Where are you from? We are moving from S.A.

You can catch me on FB and il share the local contacts with you, if you choose. A few guys from here asked for my number but maybe half only replied to my calls/WA so rather be careful and dont share your number. My FB profile is below if you wanna use that to connect.

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@Laura91 Dear Laura, I live here now for 3 months in the Blue Bay area. I would love to exchange experiences. Are you living here as well?