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@anonymous mister I have seen one mentioned that he retrieved from the Work Department of the region he works. But I forgot where I saw it. Its probably you could have a try.
@vocicag725 when will your deadline of 4 months pass? I asked organization that helps nationality application and they said usually commune has 1-2 weeks for a last minute response from the prosecutor but rather than that they could not take it longer without a justification. So if they could prove of any reason that causes the delay then at least 4 months + 2 weeks we must be registered as Belgian and not 1-2 months as they said.
@Peterjohn123 im now 4 months exactly.
how about you?
so do you mean that by law after 4 months passes (with a positive reply/ or no reply at all from the persecutors) then the commune must register us within 2 week?
i’m honestly not sure if i book an appointment and go to the commune directly 2 weeks from now.
@Peterjohn123 im now 4 months exactly.
how about you?
so do you mean that by law after 4 months passes (with a positive reply/ or no reply at all from the persecutors) then the commune must register us within 2 week?
i’m honestly not sure if i book an appointment and go to the commune directly 2 weeks from now.
According to the law, we must be registered if deadline passed (nationality certificate must be drawn up). There is no more any legal processing time after this waiting period of the prosecutor has been done. Just like with D(L) card, they must do it immediately the following day after the deadline without no delay. However, the adviser said its usually the commune will take 1-2 weeks of observer. Thats probably fine in common practice. The lawyer also insisted that commune must do otherwise must give a reason of delay instead of saying “be patient”. I would suggest you to send an email (in day 1st) asking them directly ‘what is your nationality status’. It may also depends on the person who answer the mail so you could give it a try
(Reminding that the total 6 months of processing they usually mention actually include 35 days of checking by commune + 5 days of sending file + 4 months of prosecutor + possible 1 month extendion (by prosecutor). Thats why its 6. It does not mean that 4 + 2 (by commune) = 6 as they tried to stress me. It is confirmed again by the adviser.
I passed for 8 days (6 business days) already. Today is 9th day (7 business) post deadline. As they asked me to wait, I set a limit for them until when 14th day has passed and I will ask them for a clarification (instead of general waiting) if it will not be done that time.
so for the 35 days for the commune to check the file - in my case in the accusé de réception paper was give to me indicated that the file has been submitted to the prosecutors same day i applied (in the signature)
that means these 35 days were not included anymore in the timeline?
I will try to send an email in a week or two but I believe the reply is a standard to wait for the 6 months to finish (that reply i also got when i sent them 1 week or 2 ago)
Lets see! Best of luck .. i will post here the updates as well.
so for the 35 days for the commune to check the file - in my case in the accusé de réception paper was give to me indicated that the file has been submitted to the prosecutors same day i applied (in the signature)
that means these 35 days were not included anymore in the timeline?
I will try to send an email in a week or two but I believe the reply is a standard to wait for the 6 months to finish (that reply i also got when i sent them 1 week or 2 ago)
Lets see! Best of luck .. i will post here the updates as well.
Yes, if it was sent the same declaration, no more 35 days included. That 35 days (for verification of files completion) applies before sending as written in the nationality law.
So we are aware of thoes and try to avoid fooled by them.
cited from Belgian Nationality Code … alite.html
Si la demande est complète et recevable et si le droit d'enregistrement mentionné à l'article 238 du Code des droits d'enregistrement, d'hypothèque et de greffe, a été acquitté, l'officier de l'état civil délivre un récépissé, soit dans les trente-cinq jours ouvrables suivant le dépôt de la déclaration si la déclaration a immédiatement été jugée complète, soit dans les quinze jours ouvrables suivant l'expiration du délai accordé à l'étranger pour réparer l'oubli.
Si la demande est jugée incomplète, il en est donné connaissance par lettre recommandée dans les trente-cinq jours ouvrables suivant le dépôt de la déclaration ou dans les quinze jours ouvrables suivant l'expiration du délai accordé à l'étranger pour réparer l'oubli. Le paiement tardif du droit d'enregistrement ne peut toutefois pas être régularisé.
Si le récépissé ou le caractère incomplet de la déclaration n'a pas été notifié dans les délais, la demande est réputée complète. La déclaration expresse d'irrecevabilité peut faire l'objet d'un recours en annulation devant la section du contentieux administratif du Conseil d'Etat, ainsi que le prévoit l'article 14, § 1er, des lois sur le Conseil d'Etat, coordonnées le 12 janvier 1973.
Le Roi détermine, par arrêté délibéré en Conseil des ministres, et sur la proposition du ministre de la Justice, les actes et justificatifs à joindre à la demande pour apporter la preuve que les conditions sont réunies et que le dossier a été jugé complet, comme le prévoit l'alinéa 1er.
L'officier transmet, pour avis, une copie de l'intégralité du dossier au procureur du Roi du tribunal de première instance du ressort, au plus tard dans les cinq jours ouvrables de la délivrance du récépissé. Le procureur du Roi en accuse réception sans délai.
En même temps qu'il communique au procureur du Roi copie du dossier complet, l'officier de l'état civil en transmet également copie à l'Office des étrangers et à la Sûreté de l'Etat.
§ 3. Dans un délai de quatre mois à compter de la date du récépissé visé au § 2, le procureur du Roi peut émettre un avis négatif sur l'acquisition de la nationalité belge lorsqu'il existe un empêchement résultant de faits personnels graves, qu'il doit préciser dans les motifs de son avis, ou lorsque les conditions de base, qu'il doit indiquer, ne sont pas remplies.
Si, en violation du § 2, alinéa 8, la déclaration visée au § 1er est communiquée tardivement dans le courant du dernier mois du délai, celui-ci est d'office prolongé d'un mois à dater de la communication du dossier au procureur du Roi.
Lorsque le procureur du Roi estime ne pas devoir émettre d'avis négatif, il envoie à l'officier de l'état civil une attestation signifiant l'absence d'avis négatif. La déclaration est immédiatement inscrite et mentionnée conformément à l'article 22, § 4.
A l'expiration du délai de quatre mois, le cas échéant prolongé conformément à l'alinéa 2, et à défaut d'avis négatif ou de transmission d'une attestation signifiant l'absence d'avis négatif, la déclaration est inscrite d'office et mentionnée conformément à l'article 22, § 4. Toutefois, à défaut de la communication visée au § 2, alinéa 8, l'inscription n'a pas lieu et l'officier de l'état civil en informe immédiatement l'intéressé.
Notification de l'inscription est faite à l'intéressé par l'officier de l'état civil.
La déclaration a effet à compter de l'inscription.
@vocicag725 Hi, I am Belgian. Commune sent an email to invite for an ID card.
4 months 2 weeks
@vocicag725 Hi, I am Belgian. Commune sent an email to invite for an ID card.
4 months 2 weeks
And you did not observe any modification in your profile on mon dossier? And your foreigner ID is not blocked/cancelled?
@Peterjohn123 And also you had masters from vub in english? Thats correct?
@ABS25 Yes. And diploma taught in English is normally not an issue. All of my friends went through in the same situation.
@peterjohn1104 Alright and congrats
@vocicag725 Hi, I am Belgian. Commune sent an email to invite for an ID card.
4 months 2 weeks
And you did not observe any modification in your profile on mon dossier? And your foreigner ID is not blocked/cancelled?
I could no longer access that online as the Card certificate has been cancelled. However, accessing via Its me still work because it links to the origin of the citizen file instead of the card itself.
There was no useful information. From my experience that you could only see significant things when they processed your file but it could NEVER happen because at the same time, you were blocked from the card and the histories are refreshed only after 0am.
@vocicag725 Hi, I am Belgian. Commune sent an email to invite for an ID card.
4 months 2 weeks
And you did not observe any modification in your profile on mon dossier? And your foreigner ID is not blocked/cancelled?
I could no longer access that online as the Card certificate has been cancelled. However, accessing via Its me still work because it links to the origin of the citizen file instead of the card itself.
There was no useful information. From my experience that you could only see significant things when they processed your file but it could NEVER happen because at the same time, you were blocked from the card and the histories are refreshed only after 0am.
Yeah yeah totally agreed on it. I was just talking about last modification in your file on mon dossier during these 4 months, we discussed this last modification topic before also, i think on another thread. I think you told your file was last modified in november when you got your PR. And it has never been modified from that time untill your certificate of the card was revoked(when nationality was approved)
@vocicag725 Hi, I am Belgian. Commune sent an email to invite for an ID card.
4 months 2 weeks
And you did not observe any modification in your profile on mon dossier? And your foreigner ID is not blocked/cancelled?
I could no longer access that online as the Card certificate has been cancelled. However, accessing via Its me still work because it links to the origin of the citizen file instead of the card itself.
There was no useful information. From my experience that you could only see significant things when they processed your file but it could NEVER happen because at the same time, you were blocked from the card and the histories are refreshed only after 0am.
Yeah yeah totally agreed on it. I was just talking about last modification in your file on mon dossier during these 4 months, we discussed this last modification topic before also, i think on another thread. I think you told your file was last modified in november when you got your PR. And it has never been modified from that time untill your certificate of the card was revoked(when nationality was approved)
Yes, it was modified when I got my L card because they updated it and I saw my L card there. Since the beginning of declaration, nothing had changed, so it means they did not touch anything until they finalize my file thats when I was notified also.
@bruggeling1 hi! What publication is that? I got refused a few days ago exactly because of the orange card they say that it doesn’t count toward the uninterrupted stay but accepted my Bachelors degree as part of integrating even though it was in English. Does 4 years work also count toward integration? I did not take integration courses…
Can i ask you one question?your refusal come before the processing timeline or after?normally commune gave 4 month for process..did you recieved refusal before the 4 months or after??
@bruggeling1 hi! What publication is that? I got refused a few days ago exactly because of the orange card they say that it doesn’t count toward the uninterrupted stay but accepted my Bachelors degree as part of integrating even though it was in English. Does 4 years work also count toward integration? I did not take integration courses…
-@Lizzy Miller
I think orange card is not considered an interruption only when it is issued between two residence statuses e.g student status and family member of EU, Otherwise its considered as an interruption.
@Peterjohn123 Congratulations...great news.when your card was blocked before Commune sent you invitation for eID or 1st you got email and than your card blocked??
My Citizenship processing time also completed but my card still work on my
17.04 i have appoitment in commune..i did not recieved any letter,email yet but my 4 month 4 days are completed...
@Lizzy Miller Hello
Can i ask you one question?your refusal come before the processing timeline or after?normally commune gave 4 month for process..did you recieved refusal before the 4 months or after??
@Muhammad Hanif69 I got the refusal after the police came to our house and they said that everything is being finalised now. So all in all 2 months after applying..
@Lizzy Miller thank you for your process timeline already completed even somedays over.some people says refusal possible after the timeline end i little scared...
@Muhammad Hanif69 I got the refusal after the police came to our house and they said that everything is being finalised now. So all in all 2 months after applying..
-@Lizzy Miller
Police gave negative advice?
Hello everybody...i ben belgian.
I see my Nationality certificate today..i log in through Itsme and commune upload my Nationality certificate.
@Muhammad Hanif69 Good news congrats.
did it take you 2 weeks after passing the 4 months timeline in order to see the certificate?
@bruggeling1 hi! What publication is that? I got refused a few days ago exactly because of the orange card they say that it doesn’t count toward the uninterrupted stay but accepted my Bachelors degree as part of integrating even though it was in English. Does 4 years work also count toward integration? I did not take integration courses…
-@Lizzy Miller
Dose your refusal coming from the King’s proscutor?
Could you please share a bit how/why did you get that orange card?
“Before + After” the orange card, what is your residence status? (Student, employee, family member of 3rd country, family member of Belgian/EU…)
Hello everybody...i ben belgian.
I see my Nationality certificate today..i log in through Itsme and commune upload my Nationality certificate.
-@Muhammad Hanif69
@vocicag725 4 months + 8 days and i saw my status updated + Nationality certificate uploaded but my card still work not block.Commune said take appoitment for eID.
@vocicag725 4 months + 8 days and i saw my status updated + Nationality certificate uploaded but my card still work not block.Commune said take appoitment for eID.
-@Muhammad Hanif69
So in total, there were two updates in your file in 4 months? First with your birth certificate and second with your belgian nationality certificate?
@ABS25 yes sir..1st update was 05/01/2023 and 2nd with Nationality certificate on today.two updates
Weird as I have no transcripted birth certificate as you. I think I must pay 50E to B1000 to do that.
@peterjohn1104 Yes its weird. On point of birth certificate, it is mandatory that they put up your birth certificate on the Belgian model in the profile after the nationality is approved. I know it for many other people and it was always put up in their profile when their nationality was approved. I think may be they just forgot in your case.
@peterjohn1104 Yes its weird. On point of birth certificate, it is mandatory that they put up your birth certificate on the Belgian model in the profile after the nationality is approved. I know it for many other people and it was always put up in their profile when their nationality was approved. I think may be they just forgot in your case.
thanks for the info, I will wait for Vocicag725 to confirm as we are both in B1000 before complaining it to the commune.
I think when the birth certificate upload so its 90% confirmation of Nationality approved.because i have experience in my case and some friends i know their birth certificate was uploaded and result was positive.but my Result positive with in one month..9.12.2022 i applied and 5th January 2023 they upload my birth certificate..last updated with Nationality certificate.
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