To live comfortably in Shanghai china

Can anyone specify the amount required every month to live comfortably in Shanghai city China.

Hello Rajesh,

Till members provide their feedback, have a look at the following thread : The cost of Living in China in 2023


depending on your lifestyle, you can easily blow your money in Shanghai by eating at ex pat restaurants, doing expat outings where you will pay 2 to 10 times more than in a similar Chinese owned restaurant.  I lived in Shanghai for 14 years and usually spent between 6000-8000 rmb/month, rent included,  without cutting back much at all.  Ate in restaurants 5-6 times per week, drinks, entertainment, etc.  The rest of my money went to savings and you can earn between 2.5 and 4.5% tax free interest at specific banks in Shanghai.

great place to live if you have a salary

between 20000 and 80000 rmb per month!

Thank-you Dear Bhavna, for throwing light.