
Help: Dog owner threatens me!!!

Last activity 07 April 2023 by Guest8964

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Torture? Never seen a place with so many dogs tied up, not fed, or just left outside to bark. Not to mention all those with mange. So sad.


@pnwcyclist That is the truth. And dogs and cats become rabid here at a higher rate than in most countries. Filipinos know it and they are afraid of aggressive, barking almost-wild dogs as they should be. But do not kill them lest you go to jail.


Agreed. I think that's why the law came into being, however as you know, laws aren't really enforced well. Killing some of them would be a mercy killing. Of course, the better solution would be spayed and neuter like that would ever happen except for conscientious cat and dog owners.


some meat with some poison added is always the way to go. no trace. no worry.

I'm the other way.........i want to shoot their sorry asses out of existence. but my wife is against it., haha.

Enzyte Bob

Invite some Chinese over for a BBQ. . .

Moon Dog

I see electric fence chargers, wire and insulators for sale on Lazada and Shopee. The solar chargers are not much more expensive and probably safer. That would be a good deterrent if the situation allows

I had a problem at my home in Georgia with dogs, deer, wild hogs and mainly squirrels eating up my garden. The squirrels would cut down an entire stalk of corn, drag it into the woods and chew it into silage. In dry weather they would chew holes in my water hoses to get a drink. The hogs would root up my carrots and make a mess. The previous owner had left a fence charger that was rated for cows. It was the constant current style, not the pulse. I ran two wires around the garden, one about 4" and one about 8" above the ground. I watched the first squirrel hop between the wires. He became a blur with dirt flying everywhere. When he got loose from the fence he flew about 5 foot in the air and landed halfway to the woods and one more bound and he was gone.


Rat poison is cheap... Philippines has a major problem that they ignore... people are constantly getting seriously hurt and killed on motorcycles that hit dogs... half of which should be put down because they are diseased, malnourished, and serious hazards... Its funner here in the philippines!!

Torture? Never seen a place with so many dogs tied up, not fed, or just left outside to bark. Not to mention all those with mange. So sad.

Yes, same experiences and very sad as most western countries treat their pets very very differently,,,, you know, part of the family.

I see wild dogs and cats here hanging around no different to goats or cows, the owners have no control/don't care but when they do the animals are locked up in cages or tied to a post,,,,, great existence for a family pet.

Ben said to me 3 years ago, lets get a dog or two, my response was simple, sure once all the boundary fences are installed. His response? We don't need fences just chain it up,,,,,, My answer was a simple NO. I reminded him of his sister and brother in law getting a perfectly cute mixed puppy 10 years ago for their youngest son, nice pet that was teased, tormented and ended up a nasty dog and at 12 months was chained up, scored mange and only lived another 2 years. He (Ogi) became a very savage dog and I never went near him once they chained him up. Prison sentence plus.

Owning a pet is a big responsibility no different to having children or owning a house etc. Our dog/s won't be an inside living part of the family but will never be caged or chained and have over 2,000 M2 to roam and then the walks/runs on the beach. Fed properly, not just leftover rice and bones. Not kicked if they are in the way, cute while they are puppies until the fad wears off, then neglected and abused. I suppose it happens in many countries but seems more prevalent here though not all dog owners.

Dog = family and needs to be treaded accordingly.

As reiterated to the OP Fix your fences and then easy peasy, would you let your kids play in the garden with no gate or fences?


Cheers, Steve.

I see electric fence chargers, wire and insulators for sale on Lazada and Shopee. The solar chargers are not much more expensive and probably safer. That would be a good deterrent if the situation allows
I had a problem at my home in Georgia with dogs, deer, wild hogs and mainly squirrels eating up my garden. The squirrels would cut down an entire stalk of corn, drag it into the woods and chew it into silage. In dry weather they would chew holes in my water hoses to get a drink. The hogs would root up my carrots and make a mess. The previous owner had left a fence charger that was rated for cows. It was the constant current style, not the pulse. I ran two wires around the garden, one about 4" and one about 8" above the ground. I watched the first squirrel hop between the wires. He became a blur with dirt flying everywhere. When he got loose from the fence he flew about 5 foot in the air and landed halfway to the woods and one more bound and he was gone.
-@Moon Dog

Interesting and works but I will add that my 50 acre property had about 4 acres fenced and electrified to keep the cows out, also took out a few flying foxes, the neighbour let his cows roam the balance of the land which was fine as he looked after the fences and declared weed species, one day I say him on the top of the hill near my water tanks, went up to say hi and he was installing the white tape for electrified fences,,,, in the middle of nowhere and when I asked him how he was going to power that? No need he said as the cows already know what the white tape means, repairing the fence with that tape kept his stock in,,,, learning the boundaries.

Cheers, Steve.


I personally have 2 Germans... we did build a large cage... which we put them in at night only because they will roam around on the beach if not... We do have electric collars and a remote control just to :remind" them not to roam too car durring the day... our home is next to the lighthouse on Tag Ulo... and open to the beach....the electric collars work Amazingly well... They are slowly learning not to go too far down the beach and stay around the half walled house.... 👍🏻 highly recommended.


@Wellsfry We have one purebred GSD dog. He has a 1000 sqm lot to roam around in. He stays inside in our screen porch, usually asleep during the day and roams around the lot at night. He has plenty of room. He barks along with the wild dogs at night and acts as great security with his scary bark, especially at night. If an intruder did come over the wall I'm afraid that person would be bitten to shreds before I could stop him. We hire a guy to take care of the dog and he has a room adjacent to the screen porch.


@clownbob77 If I remember correctly, stun guns are not legal here. I had two of them. One in my wife's car and another in mine. I gave them to my nieces.


@LoneWolfNY Stun gun? Is that a taser?


@Larry Fisher First of all, why (for whatever stupid reason) do you need 5 dogs??!!  Secondly, GET OUT OF THE F’KING PROVINCE!!!! They are the most ignorant, illiterate, stubborn bunch of Filipinos you’ll ever come across. Did you really decide to leave the comforts of your own country to go to that lifestyle???

Remember one thing… LAWS DON’T MEAN SHIT IN THIS HELL HOLE! The worst thing you can do is to start quoting sections and subsections of rules and laws. Do you actually think they care?

       Good luck trying to reason with them.

@Larry Fisher First of all, why (for whatever stupid reason) do you need 5 dogs??!! Secondly, GET OUT OF THE F’KING PROVINCE!!!! They are the most ignorant, illiterate, stubborn bunch of Filipinos you’ll ever come across. Did you really decide to leave the comforts of your own country to go to that lifestyle???
Remember one thing… LAWS DON’T MEAN SHIT IN THIS HELL HOLE! The worst thing you can do is to start quoting sections and subsections of rules and laws. Do you actually think they care?
    Good luck trying to reason with them.

What are you smoking mate?

Cheers, Steve.


@bigpearl Hey “mate”… I’m smoking the truth! You should try it sometime.


Civility cost you nothing. Attacking a member is never called for, attacking the Filipino people as a foreigner is not on,,,,, Maybe they will lock you up if you ever come back here as they do watch conversations.

Cheers, Steve.

Civility cost you nothing. Attacking a member is never called for, attacking the Filipino people as a foreigner is not on,,,,, Maybe they will lock you up if you ever come back here as they do watch conversations.
Cheers, Steve.

He is a Bahamian, thus a hell hole expert, not worth engaging.

Civility cost you nothing. Attacking a member is never called for, attacking the Filipino people as a foreigner is not on,,,,, Maybe they will lock you up if you ever come back here as they do watch conversations.
Cheers, Steve.
He is a Bahamian, thus a hell hole expert, not worth engaging.

For a dude that has been a member for 10 odd years he knows nothing about how open forums work, Thanks for your thoughts mugtech.

Cheers, Steve.

Moon Dog

Our dog Tikla is a 25 lb Schnauzer/Poodle cross. She came out of the forest one day and sat in our front yard like she was casing the joint. I coaxed her in with a piece of meat and found she was a really sweet little girl. Living by her own wits made her incredibly intelligent. She loves people even though there are signs she was mistreated. If you pick up a stick she will shy away and she carries two pieces of 00 buckshot in her right hip as a souvenir of her wilder days. My wife said she would only move to the Philippines if we bring Tikla. This is from a girl who once raised dogs to be sold for their meat.

We had good hollow block fences on 3 sides when we moved here but the back fence was a makeshift cyclone fence mess. Dogs would occasionally find a way in and Tikla found her way out a time or two. She loved to run around in the cow field. Now we have a well-built hollow block fence across the back also and the other fences have been extended where necessary. We even added some broken glass in strategic cat crossing areas, no more problems, the place is like a fortress. A good fence is an absolute necessity in the Philippines.

I always had big dogs but Tikla convinced me that small dogs are cool too. Tikla has traits that are very similar to a beloved yellow lab I once had. Have you ever seen the movie 'A Dog's Purpose'?


Enzyte Bob

arty5987 said: GET OUT OF THE F’KING PROVINCE!!!! They are the most ignorant, illiterate, stubborn bunch of Filipinos you’ll ever come across. Did you really decide to leave the comforts of your own country to go to that lifestyle???  Remember one thing… LAWS DON’T MEAN SHIT IN THIS HELL HOLE!


Is that the reasons you moved to the Philippines?


Another unhappy bitter camper Bob, they are around, I have had my moments here with inept and arcade attitudes but as you say,,,,, was my choice to live here and on the whole positive, the people are fantastic and the dogs know what Sheesk means and they depart  quickly.

Back to the OP's post, I have been here 4 plus years and don't have a dog as all our fences were useless, Block and rendered fences on 3 sides now and waiting for the quotes for the glass pool fence in the front,,,, then we get a dog or 10 here in the "province" to simply get up some ones nose with a bad attitude.

Cheers, Steve.

Larry Fisher
@Larry Fisher First of all, why (for whatever stupid reason) do you need 5 dogs??!! Secondly, GET OUT OF THE F’KING PROVINCE!!!! They are the most ignorant, illiterate, stubborn bunch of Filipinos you’ll ever come across. Did you really decide to leave the comforts of your own country to go to that lifestyle???
Remember one thing… LAWS DON’T MEAN SHIT IN THIS HELL HOLE! The worst thing you can do is to start quoting sections and subsections of rules and laws. Do you actually think they care?
    Good luck trying to reason with them.

m'fkr you are an ignorant poor clueless ass. SOME people like the peace and quiet of the province. SOME people like having a home THAT'S PAID FOR IN FULL. Some people also have more dogs to protect THE ENTIRE PROPERTY and LIVESTOCK.


What all you dog people have to go through!

My indoor cats cause absolutely no problems. Even the feral cats in the neighborhood are benign, although they occasionally make a bit of a racket. So I just take out my hearing aids smile.png


I agree with many of you guys about the treatment of dogs in this country. I have a sizable property where I do not allow my dogs to roam outside my gates. Their job is to notify me when someone or something is nearby, and then I check my cameras. My male rescues are four months old and are super loud if you get too close.

Enzyte Bob
What all you dog people have to go through!
My indoor cats cause absolutely no problems. Even the feral cats in the neighborhood are benign, although they occasionally make a bit of a racket. So I just take out my hearing aids smile.png


The nice thing about cats if you leave enough water, food and a clean litter box you can go away for a few days.

Nice thing about dogs if you go away for a few hours you come home to a disaster.

Side Note: Previous mentioned, my first wife & I were into show dogs (Great Danes). She went to the grocery store and took the dog with her. While shopping the dog had an accident in the car, then was jumping from seat to seat (station wagon), there was not one square inch that did not have a coat of feces. Even the grooves in the leather seats.


@Enzyte Bob I like cats. My wife is allergic to them. However, I prefer dogs. You're right. Dogs are destructive. I can't begin to tell you how many remotes I had to replace when I had my Boxer when I first got him at eight weeks old.  I hope you see the image below—Modern Dog of the Year magazine winner. Some people are dog people, and some are cat people. I think they are both cool. smile.png

Lone Wolf NYC


Larry Fisher

Training boys, training. Everything that you've stated can be avoided with proper training. And most dogs LOVE being trained. They become happier because they get praise and sometimes cookies by pleasing their master. Think about it. My Belgian Malinois did 19hrs with me in the plane and airport without a piss or doody. And then time to get bags, clear animal import paperwork, clear customs. Easily 21-23 hrs between. And he wasn't even acting crazy. After I got out the door at Cebu airport, I knew they had an open field with weeds and bushes right there. I cut him loose of the lead and told him to go over there. No doubt he was happy to pee. And came straight back to me when called and back on the leash.


@Larry Fisher Way to go. That kind of training took time and dedication. Trust me. I know. You must have known you had a friend for life. smile.png

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