
Help: Dog owner threatens me!!!

Last activity 07 April 2023 by Guest8964

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Larry Fisher

We live in the province. We have 5 dogs, 4 male 1 female, she's in heat and being kept secure. There are dogs running loose all the time already in this area. Once a week or so there's a skirmish outside, but usually nothing serious. We have weak interlink fencing around the property, but when dogs want to, they'll make a way in. FOUR TIMES this past week one particular dog has attacked one of or more of our dogs INSIDE OUR PROPERTY. Three times drawing blood and causing some decent damage.

I have not been able to record on camera the attacks. Only pics of results. But neighbors are well aware this one dog is an issue. These neighbors support our problem. His owner doesn't care. Zero concern and full denial his dog does anything wrong. People have heard me say if I get a chance I'll kill that dog. (MISTAKE!) So my fiancé has reiterated numerous times I can't do that, which frankly I don't understand.

Yesterday, we went to the local Baranguy captain and he basically said I'm not allowed to kill another owners dog, full stop, no matter what, even if attacked. WTF? He said he would contact the owner for a meeting the next day. We didn't get word on this meeting, and the dog owner was summoned to the baranguy hall 9am which my honey pie was unaware of. (she may have gotten text and didn't see it, I'm not clear).

The dog owner is in full absolute denial his dog is a problem and was pissed we went to captain. After this meeting this morning that only he went too he came by on his motorcycle and basically went nuts saying I don't belong here, to go home. I of course said "this is home"!

So we went to baranguy hall and captain gave us zero recourse. I did tell him yesterday if attacked I will kill it, and if it attacks our dogs inside the property I will kill it. So he doesn't really like me when I didn't accept is weak understanding of what's right and wrong, and as it turns out, the law.

After baranguy hall this morning we went to Argao police and filed a "blotter" on the suspect-dog owner. They're going to send a investigator by today. The desk sarge, unaware that we went to station yesterday and I spoke to an investigator that has actually studied and still studies Philippine law, did not agree with my belief we are within our rights to kill a dog attacking our dogs, on our property. Even when I showed him the precise section and statement of the law, which was shown to me by yesterdays cop-guy.

Animal Welfare act of 1998 states:

Section 6

The killing of any animal other than cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, poultry, rabbits, carabaos and horses is likewise hereby declared unlawful except in the following instances:

subsection 4:

When it is done to prevent an imminent danger to the life or limb of a human being;

The argument given to me yesterday by the higher rank said basically "you are and should break up the fight on your property. But the second you hit the attacking dog to shew him away he's going to turn on you. You're now within your rights to kill it because of "imminent danger".

Todays desk sarge boiled it down to "depends on the judge" and gave me the winky eye I'm at a possible huge disadvantage. Which would lead to jail and immediate deportation after completion of sentence.

So to me, this ALL seems way the hell out of whack. Irresponsible owner threatening my life. Dog attacking our dogs on property. And we have no recourse? WTH.

I don't know what steps to take from here.


@Larry Fisher

Our dogs have all sorts of wounds from scrape ups. With each other at meal time, girls in heat and visitors girl dogs in heat bring.  Ears get it the worst of it and I won’t get near fighting dogs. I keep a big bucket of water and totally dowse them. They hate it more than they want to fight. They run in different directions when they see me running towards them with the bucket and hear my war cry now.

Larry Fisher

If my Belgian Malinois gets ahold of it, it'll be dinner for him. But he's always with me 24/7. He's been in the house except once, when he tried to attack Buddy but they were against the fence and he got away under it. Outside of property scraps are not my problem. It's when they get inside and attack our dogs that's the issue. Her 4 dogs are all typical small mutts of the provinces. But there hers and she takes good care of them.


Only a suggestion but why not make your boundary fences secure?

I know you shouldn't have to but if you want to keep other animals out it's the only way as dog, goat and cow owners generally let their animals run wild, been there and now our fences and extensions are nearly finished we are looking to get a lion or two,,,, I mean dog or two.

Cheers, Steve.

Larry Fisher

Working on that. Entirely new fence around the back behind our piggery is going up now. Hollow block stacked 3 high, cement posts, interlink wire fence into cement bottom and posts, pipe top, then 3 strands barb wire.

After that we'll do the front half, only taller with brick maybe 6 bricks tall, and probably a sideways rolling gate for entering to park car.

However this doesn't address the threatening dog owner. I'm looking at security cameras from amazon now. But finding wireless without subscription to cloud sucks. I liked how my dash cam in the semi was rolling 24/7 and cycles. Able to save and hold 5-15 min segments anytime I want on phone. Not seeing that in security cams though yet.


@Larry Fisher

Don’t know what to suggest Larry but just a word of advice. Always Always remember this is not your country! You are and always will be a foreigner! Even if you are right which you are right to defend yourself and your property you will in the majority of cases always loose.  Secure your perimeter the best you can, keep your dogs on their leads when out (which I believe you do) cos there are a lot of irresponsible people here. Just look at the driving – it speaks volumes. All the best

Larry Fisher

@From-The-Ashes Understood. Points well taken. When we went to baranguy captain today, I brought my trained Belgian Malinois with me. E-Collar on, leash on but loosely hanging over my neck. Perfect heels, no pulling,  immediate sit or down, back to sit, etc. As well I had documentation for vaccines standard in USA and copies of import documents for the Philippines.  Just in case he asked. But mostly out of total ego, to show responsible dog ownership.

Enzyte Bob

Now for the humorous side of a dog in heat.

My first wife and I were into show dogs, we had Harlequin Great Danes. Our bitch came into heat, when I was leaving for work there was a few dogs hanging around, I guess they had great noses.

After time, each subsequent day, there were less and less dogs. After about a week only one dog failed to give up and hung around. He was the smallest of them all.

Leaving for work that day, this runt charged me and started to hump my leg.


Larry Fisher is right. You are a foreigner and will always be a foreigner. I'm even just a foreigner with my inlaws. I have two dogs on my fenced-in property. I will not allow them to interact with other dogs outside the perimeter.  You will not get a resolution with your barangay president (they are only around for donations), and you are probably arguing your case against their uncle. You won't find answers there or in their local police department. Let me tell you why. Because you are a "FOREIGNER!"  I also suggest you stop telling people about your intentions. They are not there to help but to spread their rendition of the news. You may want to say, bring down the dog before it hurts someone. But by the time it reaches the ears of people that can make a difference,  they will be told you are trying to wipe out the entire Barangay.

I have the following in place:

  • High cement walls
  • Barb wire
  • Surveillance cameras around the house.
  • Two puppies in training to be our guard dogs
  • And if you get past any of my security layers, including the signs outside, do you honestly think I would ask the Barangay if it's okay to beat someone down because they breached security?

Good fences make good neighbors.

Robert Frost

......and dogs too


Larry, dog and cat ownership here are sad as you well know, goats as well but as "From The Ashes" states we are guests here and local laws and customs, we have to abide by, like or lump.

We had 2 cows that got onto our lot some years ago and were too stupid to find their way out, I was alerted by loud yelling calling from the front boundary and refused to acknowledge their calls from the gate, (stupid twits could have opened the gates and got their beasts out) they called for over an hour until the next door Neighbour called Ben and Ben simply said come in and get them but shut the gate as you leave.

Seems a gate keeps honest Filipinos out?

Since the new fence went in we have a wireless door bell and camera on the fence, Chimes in the house and both Ben and I can hit the app on our phones and see on cam who is there.

We shipped a Swann 8 camera CCTV system from Australia when we moved here a few years ago and around AU 400 bucks is a good deterrent also as well as secure fences.

Larry our cameras are all wired around the house as that's easy, the bonus is the door bell camera that we can activate from our phones in the house from 50 odd metres away to the router and then another 30 or 40 metres from the router to our phones so if sitting on the beach we can still hear the door bell or activate the camera, guess what? that unit was like P2,200.

Swann cameras are available also on Shopee and Lazada.

Good luck with your grumpy Neighbour mate.

Cheers, Steve. 

Now for the humorous side of a dog in heat.
My first wife and I were into show dogs, we had Harlequin Great Danes. Our bitch came into heat, when I was leaving for work there was a few dogs hanging around, I guess they had great noses.

After time, each subsequent day, there were less and less dogs. After about a week only one dog failed to give up and hung around. He was the smallest of them all.

Leaving for work that day, this runt charged me and started to hump my leg.
-@Enzyte Bob

Good looking legs Bob is all I can say.

Cheers, Steve.


Avoiding altercation with people will be best. You are in the Philippines. Understand the culture and work with it. Spraying unruly dogs with water is one great way to break up dog fights. Have a hose ready, a broom might work too.

Or, get a 'guard dog'. Guard dogs include german shepherds, Doberman, etc. They are protective of their humans. You have to train them though.


Better to simply keep them out Jackson or as in Bobs case it was his lucky day (sorry Bob couldn't resist).

Cheers, Steve.


@Jackson4 Hi Jackson. Good advice on the dogs. I do the hose thing, also. I understand the culture and even speak the language. However, understanding the culture includes knowing good people versus bad ones. This is not a Filipino thing but a people thing.  I am also ok being a foreigner because I already have boundaries with my neighbors. Outside my Barangay, I have Filipino and American friends, both charming people. But once I get home, I say hello in Tagalog or Visayan, wave my hand at my neighbors and lock myself in my property. It is working for my wife and me thus far.

Better to simply keep them out Jackson or as in Bobs case it was his lucky day (sorry Bob couldn't resist).
Cheers, Steve.

Bob, do you have a photo of your leg?

Larry Fisher

@bigpearl couple questions about your cctv system:

  1. Does it run 24/7 in a loop or motion sensitive triggers on?
  2. Can you download clips of given lengths or segments as you choose/need?
  3. Do you have a monitor on all the time with the cameras? I don't want to do that.

I just want cameras maybe even solar powered that I can let run 24/7 in loops of say 5 mins or something. Then download to my computer if something comes up I need to save. Motion probably isn't a good idea for us because of the dogs and placement in certain areas will be triggered constantly by passersby or other animals.

Better to simply keep them out Jackson or as in Bobs case it was his lucky day (sorry Bob couldn't resist).
Cheers, Steve.
Bob, do you have a photo of your leg?

Wait until you see his arms mate.

Cheers, Steve.


Larry, great questions.

1/yes 24/7 motion activated, every camera you can modify the pick up so say if it's looking down the driveway and there is a tree on the right or left you can program each camera to block the tree in case of wind etc so as not to trigger the camera, they are also infrared etc.

We also have LED house/yard lights connected to motion detectors.

2/ Yes, From memory the system has a 1 Tb hard drive, maybe 2 Tb.

3/ Yes monitor for 8 cameras on all the time in the living area but you can turn that off or simply not connect.

Loops of 5 minutes are not going to help when you are out shopping and your house is robbed, motion activated then stored for retrieval later.

What's the old saying? "The best laid plans of mice and men" It matters little the security you put around your home, that's for the vaguely honest crook, dedicated thieves care little. Even a safe isn't safe.

Cheers, Steve. 

Moon Dog

I don't want my dog around any of the hairless mangy unvaccinated dogs that are allowed to breed freely in this province. I paid $6,000 to transport her from my home in Georgia to Manila and $600 more to get her to Tacloban. Dogs can't breach our fences but there are a few dogs that hang around cow pasture at the back of the property and I feed them our chicken leg bones.

I recently heard one of those loud caravans coming down the road. I went out to see what it was all about and the signs on the vehicles were rabies vaccination reminders. Are you kidding me? The only injection these dogs need is a full syringe of pentobarbital. Most of the dogs don't even have owners.

Our problem is feral cats. There is a section of fence that the neighbor's cats liked to hop over. The fence is 8' high but the neighbor has trees next to the fence that allow the cats easy access. I had the mason line the top of that fence section with broken glass. At least one cat attempted to hop over the fence and left a blood trail. In another life I made a living trapping muskrats, coons and fox so I know how to make a trap. The cat population is thinning considerably in this area.

Larry Fisher

@bigpearl The looping I was referring to I had in my semi dash cam. Holds 24 hrs in 5 min increments for later downloading of only what's needed.

Thanks for that info. I'll look into it on Lazada and Amazon.

Larry Fisher

@Moon Dog Holy dog 💩! $6600? My Belgian Malinois cost me the small import fees, and some examinations and few extra vaccinations.  Basically a few hundred dollars. I did go with a one-way business class ticket, so more cost there. But he flew in-cabin as a service dog all the way.

Hhmmm, the 10 weeks of training,  including 6 weeks of boarding while I was visiting Philippines last May did cost $6000. That's how I got him in cabin. So I guess maybe ya. But at least now he can act super calm when ordered too and shit going on around.  Then release on command.

@Larry Fisher
Always Always remember this is not your country! You are and always will be a foreigner! Even if you are right which you are right to defend yourself and your property.

Even if you are right and of regardless what the law says, you are a foreigner and you are and always will be WRONG.


Some very good advice up above...

During my second year here my Wife got bit, and I went through all the emotions/anger you are now +, but I soon realized as you will, it’s just the way it is here.

Instead of getting rid of the problem (Stray Dogs), they set up bite centers everywhere.

My choices were to accept or leave.

Anyway after going to the bite center multiple times for her treatments I wanted revenge, Compensation, etc....but realized the resulting cost or ramifications from me responding in the wrong way here was not worth it.

Our Perimeters are secure and if we happen to go out for a walk I will carry a small bat JIC.

At that time I had some RATOL I was going to use laced on some meat, all discreet, but never did, l soon learned that many of these street dogs don’t live long for one reason or another. They will always be here but they come and go...

Only advice I can give, is Securing your boundary lines best you can and Short of bending over backwards, try not to get into conflicts with neighbors, even if they are wrong, or it could easily end up being worse then the dog problems.


Sorry to hear, Larry. In my experience, people pretty much do as they want here, without consequences. Loud pipes on motorbikes, dogs barking all night, driving like maniacs - minor examples that occur constantly. The laws are rarely enforced. So now we have a dog owner allowing his dog to attack others. Not really surprising, just one more example of someone who doesn't care how their actions affect others.

I hope you get it resolved through the stronger fence and proper legal channels, as it appears you are doing. It's good that you got a police blotter as it establishes a record. Always keep in mind the culture you are living in, do your best to resolve it peacefully and if possible, in a way that the other person saves face. An escalation could get ugly.  It could also be he has something else going on and is not in a normal state of mind.

@bigpearl The looping I was referring to I had in my semi dash cam. Holds 24 hrs in 5 min increments for later downloading of only what's needed.
Thanks for that info. I'll look into it on Lazada and Amazon.
-@Larry Fisher

Larry my system stores weeks or months depending on camera activation and that's why you can block certain things out, pray I never need it as already robbed once here.

Cheers, Steve


"Gee... I have NO idea how your dog all of a sudden died?, So sorry for your loss!"  🤷🏼😉


@Larry Fisher Larry, I use the EUFY s40 with an integrated solar panel. It has an sd ship in case of power outages; it will store events on the chip itself. It has nighvisions, motion detection, audio, an alarm system,  and cloud storage (which costs 100 a year). It also contained flood lights. I have three of them. One pointed to each angle, so I have complete coverage on an 800 sqm property. I get email alerts and can bypass animals just to detect humans (Unless a Filipino street dog (Askal) jumps over a 10 ft cement wall and wiggle itself through a barbwire fence to steal my stuff); the system works flawlessly. I didn't build this system for myself. As an American, I lived in Central and South America, which is three times more dangerous than the Philippines. I never had a problem. This system was built for my Filipina wife because she married a foreigner. She is my weakest link and my lifeline, and I must ensure she is ok.

Food for thought

Lonely Wolf NYC


And this is why I will be living in a guarded development. No guarantee, but it's mostly foreigners there and they are pretty strict as well. As far as the law, there isn't any as far as I'm concerned, just take a look at the driving. Laws are made up on the spot to benefit whomever. One question, is pepper spray legal and ok to use on dogs? Be nice to have one handy.


Yes, you're right about the lack of enforcement and legal recourse.

Great idea on the pepper spray.


I would also be curious as to the legality of stun guns. I know that I can't have a gun as a foreigner, but are stun guns or tasers legal?


@Jackson4 I have a male German Shepard. He is our guard dog at night within our 1000 sq m lot with a high cement wall and broken glass cemented on top. There is no place to really train a guard dog here and I do not see the a great need of training. He is an intelligent dog and pretty much does what we want him to do. I will say I feel sorry for any intruder coming over the way but I suspect his loud threatening bark would discourage most intruders.

Enzyte Bob

Another amusing dog story:

My first wife and I had a hobby of showing Great Danes in A.K.C. dog shows. My male Dane stood 36" at the shoulders.

We had floor to ceiling curtains in the living room. Whenever he heard a noise he would stick his head through the panels of the curtains. No strangers ever came to our door.

He had a good ear, he could recognize the sound of my car hundred of yards away and start barking.


Word of advice. If you capture an intruder on your internal surveillance camera, you have already been breached. Your first line of defense is your perimeters. You want to ensure you can discourage a perpetrator with external signs and warnings. Let them know your home is not a target. Most burglars, if not all, look for easy targets.

Moon Dog

I have a bunch of Wyze cams. I bought them for $20 each in the US and they come with free cloud storage. The free subscription has some limitations. An event is only recorded for 12 seconds and then it will not record again for 5 minutes. You can get around these restrictions with a paid subscription or insert a 32 gb micro SD card. The images are very clear and you can monitor the cams on your phone anywhere you have a wifi connection. The ones I have are indoor cams but I use them outside if they are protected from the rain but they now offer outdoor cams. They have articulating magnetic bases and come with metal discs and adhesive pads you can stick anywhere to mount the cams.

My main camera is a Dericam. I bought it back in 2018 to catch people breaking into my storage units but never installed it until we got here. I have it on the upper deck where I can monitor the front yard. It pans and tilts and has a slot for a micro SC card. You have to remove the darkened globe to install the chip since it is an outdoor camera. It works well with the cell phone app but I couldn't get the PC program to work so I contacted Dericam and learned the dedicated program only works with Internet Explorer. The guy from Dericam tech support sent me a generic program called IP Camera that does work very well on the PC so it's all good. Where I have it mounted is just on the other side of the wall from my router so I have it plugged directly into the router. I can also monitor it from anywhere I have a wifi signal. I'm sure they now have better cams but it works fine for me.



Larry Fisher
Yes, you're right about the lack of enforcement and legal recourse.
Great idea on the pepper spray.

I highly doubt it since they have laws protecting dogs more from humans than humans allowing to protect themselves.

Basically the law states:

Section 6. It shall be unlawful for any person to torture any animal, to neglect to provide adequate care, sustenance or shelter, or maltreat any animal or to subject any dog or horse to dogfights or horsefights, kill or cause or procure to be tortured or deprived of adequate care, sustenance or shelter, or maltreat or use the same in research or experiments not expressly authorized by the Committee on Animal Welfare.

The killing of any animal other than cattle pigs, goats, sheep, poultry, rabbits, carabaos, horses, deer and crocodiles is likewise hereby declared unlawful except in the following instances:

subsection: (4) When it is done to prevent an imminent danger to the life or limb of a human being;

Lotus Eater

And yet the Philippines is the world capital for cockfighting.

Larry Fisher

@Lotus Eater right?

And yet the Philippines is the world capital for cockfighting.
-@Lotus Eater

😂 And here is the part that kind of got my attention:

"...or maltreat any animal or to subject any dog or horse to dogfights or horsefights,"



Danfinn, My first time in the Philippines  6 years ago, I got my butt handed to me by my brother in laws fighting rooster.  I thought it was a chicken and tried to feed it. What the hell did I know? I'm from the city. My inlaws are still laughing about it today. 1f606.svg

Lonely Wolf NYC

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