Coming to Zurich...oh yes!

Hi All,

I should landing here mid-September to work for the International Relations and Security Network. I'm hoping to pick up a few basics about life in Zurich that I am going to need. So here are some questions which hopefully someone may be able to answer:

a) As a British person, I would be interested to know where the main Brit expat hangouts are in Zurich. For example, bars, restaurants even expat clubs.

b) What TV packages have people come across with British (or at least English speaking) channels? Monthly prices would be good.

c) Any advice on broadband packages too?

Thanks in advance. If this is on the wrong forum...oops sorry


Hi Dempsea28!

Welcome to :)


Hi Dempsea, there are a few places where english speaking folks hang out: Bonnie Prince Charlie Pub, there are a couple of "Irish" pubs as well. but I am not aware that there is a homogenous expat community in zurich, at least not an expat club as such, although I think there is a "Ladies" club (which I hear is a bit elitarian). there may be groups catering for americans, canadians, british and others but it seems that they are mostly known to insiders, i.e. people who have been here for a long time. There is also an english book store in bahnhofstrasse and they may know of events, meetings, groups for english speakers.
But then, there may be somone in the forum who has more info and wants to correct my impression?? !!
Sorry dempsea, i'm probably not of much help.

Thanks Swissagain....:)


late but maybe you still need help.
The tv package with internet of UPC Basic is very fast and good. I have it and it costs 59 CHF per month.(also some english channels)
Bars for english are a lot. I say the Oliver Twist(irish and english pub) is the best. Good sports and beers.

ok if you want to know more or drink a beer just say


Thanks you get in Oliver Twist's at all?


i am in this pub sometimes watching premier league or for a beer.
Do you know it?

hello everyone,i would like to came for an holiday in Switzerland and before that i would love  to meet someone from Swiss who speak English and easy to  get along with pls advice.

Dempsea28 wrote:

a) As a British person, I would be interested to know where the main Brit expat hangouts are in Zurich. For example, bars, restaurants even expat clubs.

you probably already discovered the British Cheese Center at the Viaduc.....


I am a 21 y.o Filipina and planning to go in Switzerland next July. I just wanna know if there's any possibility for me to find a job even if I am not fluent in German language? If so, can anyone please tell me?
