Crimes of moral turpitude
(1) Maybe Salenamrie is into weird stuff.
(2) Or maybe she is desperate & lonely.
(3) Or maybe this is the best she can do.

@Fred yeah I do. I know every limit I have apart from him visiting here, there are many ways I can go to the uk if I want to.
@Fred yeah I do. I know every limit I have apart from him visiting here, there are many ways I can go to the uk if I want to.
Have you met this guy in person? If not I am sure you could do better for yourself like a man without a criminal record. I honestly cannot see your reasoning here if you have never met in person.

@Enzyte Bob well,
- stop judging people just because you think you can, you don't know me and Idk you either I came here to ask something not to seek approval or judgement from someone I don't even know. Judge all u want but keep it to yourself. Thanks!
If he is a convicted sex offender or worse a convicted pedophile he will be registered as an offender and now the immigration department have access to those files from world wide sources and turn away those that land here/arrive at the airport. Deported every day here.
It doesn't get much simpler, perhaps you should go there if you are so keen on him, you said you can in many ways. Just remember the old saying "a leopard doesn't change his spots".
Cheers, Steve.

@Cherryann01 I've heard I can do better a thousand times but I do genuinely love my bf if you have loved yk very cheesy but I do
@Cherryann01 I've heard I can do better a thousand times but I do genuinely love my bf if you have loved yk very cheesy but I do
Have you met in real life?
That's face to face, not a VOIP call.
Reality Fred? Cyber love is generally blind until the facts come home. I call that boots on the ground to know the real person and not hyperbole achieved electronically. Been there etc.
Cheers, Steve.
@Cherryann01 no, because I simply dont want one not all women wants kids. -@selenamarie7852
A rare Filipina specimen
-@Lotus Eater
No matter. I have heard ot said that you just 'look' at a Filipina and she gets pregnant' 😂
@danfinn I also saw a comment on another issue here saying that if we could appeal to the Department of Justice he might be able to come but Im not so sure if that would work
Just call them and ask if they would be willing to suspend all previous rulings because a sex offender wants to come here and needs a visa. Say that he is a good sex offender, not a bad one and besides, how many instances has it been that foreign pedophiles molested Filipina children? What do you think they would say?
Reality Fred? Cyber love is generally blind until the facts come home. I call that boots on the ground to know the real person and not hyperbole achieved electronically. Been there etc.
Cheers, Steve.
And we are still awaiting an answer to Cherryannes question .
Its those crickets again.
and besides, how many instances has it been that foreign pedophiles molested Filipina children? What do you think they would say?
I looked this up. The answer seems to be quite a lot.
Frankly, one is too many . That ignores the ones that get away with it or are never reported.
The poster concerned is risking serious difficulties at best, but will probably be refused entry into the UK if the story we have is accurate.
It is starting to sound like an Internet relationship with no background - That's going to be a UK visa refusal
I simply don't get this. I thought family was the most important thing in the Philippines and anything that could possibly disrupt/harm the family unit would be a complete no go area and I do not see how all the O/p's family , close and extended members, would be okay with her marrying a sex offender. They have their reputations to think about also.
While the lady in question has answered all other rebukes and suggestions she has not answered my post #45.
Went straight into the factual too hard basket as can't accept realities of how far immi have progressed in the last few years to weed out undesirables from potentially preying on Filipino citizens. Perhaps there's a msg there? A warning?
It's ok to say you love someone you have only met online but one wonders the infatuation or perhaps lust until the meeting and the penny drops.
I would simply now ask the lady in question what he is doing about his criminal record and ability to travel internationally, Seems she is doing all the legwork for what?
Cheers, Steve.
You really should rethink this relationship with the sex offender.
Sex offenders have something wrong with their head, their brain doesn't work the same way as normal people. This is the reason why the laws are so strict regarding them.
There is no way to fix them, no way for you to be considered safe.
Please move on, and avoid such people in the future.
Hello, that member is no longer on the forum.
By now you realize they don't check if you went ahead with your plans. I married a Filipina and we would fly out of the country together (before my 30 days were up) and fly back together and that would get me a year long stamp in my passport.
I guess the only way they would check your home country record is if you tried to do a visa.
I've never once turned in the form they give you on the plane before touchdown in Manila. The first time I went there I filled out the form but they never asked for it after getting off the plane. The 2nd thru 6th time there i just folded up the paper and put it in my pocket and in the garbage after clearing customs.
@Moon Dog
Not so. I've flown to Manila 7 times and I've never turned in an arrival card. My first time flying there I filled out out but they didn't ask for it so trip 2 - 7 I just folded it up and put it in my pocket until I passed the first garbage 🗑️ can after immigration and that's where I deposited it.
@danfinn so they will probably reject a that type of visa, but what about other types? Would they reject a tourist visa etc. For me?
-@James hardy
Don't need a Visa if you from the US unless your planning to stay longer then 30 days
HI! please dont be mean I just wanna ask something my bf is from uk and he is coming here soon in the ph but I just want to know will he e deported or what? he was convicted on moral turpitude like 10+ years ago and I am so afraid that he will be deported especially that we are planning to marry. Is there anyway he can come here? like on a special order from an attorney or something? please help
He doesn't need a Visa. If you marry and he takes you to another country. (one where you don't need a Visa {like Malaysia} and when you return to Ph he will get a exit stamp for a yr later from his entry date) I did this a couple of times with my Filipina.
@Moon Dog
Another thing that probably matters more than anything is the amount time that has passed since the convection. Time proves if he's changed or not. I would venture to say after 10 years a person has shown he's ways have changed.
As far as pedophilia, we all know they are stained forever because it's a sickness with no cure (other then castrating the individual) even with counseling.
Mcguyvr67 said. . . .
I've never once turned in the form they give you on the plane before touchdown in Manila. The first time I went there I filled out the form but they never asked for it after getting off the plane. The 2nd thru 6th time there i just folded up the paper and put it in my pocket and in the garbage after clearing customs.
Me Too
I put the form in the back panel of the seat in front of me.
The Philippines has no way to check your criminal record on arrival, unless you have a hold by a Government or Interpol, they could get your record but it would take time and they would need a good reason to go thru the trouble, I have had dealings with NBI, my name came up on hit while I was getting a clearance, I had an interview they ask me a few questions about my whereabouts, I was out of the country at the time the person must have had the same last name as me, they should have known when the person arrived and left, they looked at my passport and could see I was out of country
The Philippines has no way to check your criminal record on arrival, unless you have a hold by a Government or Interpol, they could get your record but it would take time and they would need a good reason to go thru the trouble, I have had dealings with NBI, my name came up on hit while I was getting a clearance, I had an interview they ask me a few questions about my whereabouts, I was out of the country at the time the person must have had the same last name as me, they should have known when the person arrived and left, they looked at my passport and could see I was out of country
Exactly why the Philippines turn thousands of visitors away every year, if they are bad enough they are on a data base and immigration worldwide have the tools for arriving visitors, not just here.
Cheers, Steve.
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