Can EP be approved after 8 weeks waiting

Has anyone here on the forum waited for longer than 8 weeks for an EP approval and received a positive outcome in the past?

I would really appreciate if you can share your experience and wait times with me.

My employer has followed up numerous times with MOM but at this time since no additional documents or information is requested and no verifications or certificates etc have been requested, we have just been asked to wait.

Application Date: 25 Feb 2023

status changed to “vetting external agencies” : 8 March 2023.

thanks in advance for your help!

You can find several cases with longer waiting times (up to 6 months) on this forum - and the processing time gives NO indication of approval/rejection chances.

In most cases (also in yours, according to your message), processing times over 8 weeks are caused by complications and/or the need to have the applicant's credentials verified (or "vetted", in MoM's words). This is done by external agencies in the applicant's country and elsewhere, so the time it takes is out of MoM's influence - and largely depends on how fast your schools, past employers and authorities respond to the agency's verification requests.

The work pass processing time is the single most discussed topic on this forum. I can only repeat again and again: It takes as long as MoM deemes necessary - and there is nothing you can do to speed things up. If you don't have the required patience, don't apply for a work pass in Singapore!

Eiiiii--- But this is unbelievable others take just a week,2 or 3weeks before approval.

On the site I read that the whole thing takes either 2 or 3weeeks for online application

However manual application that's submission of documents in person by your

employer takes long. Please any clarification

But to talk of 8months is something else.

God should have mercy upon us oo.

I would like to know various timelines for  each of the passes: Employment Pass,S- Pass etc. Or they all take same time frame before approval. Thank you

God should have mercy upon us oo.
-@Joseph Boateng

MoM is a law unto itself - I doubt that even God can change that!

The timelines for EP and S-Pass are the same. You can read MANY discussions and related threads with examples on this forum.


Moderated by Bhavna last year
Reason : Religious
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@Joseph Boateng My comment was not meant entirely seriously - some authorities seem so inert to outside influence that one is tempted to say that even a god cannot change them ...

However, keep in mind that in a multi-cultural society like Singapore, there are many gods and all must be respected - yours is only one of them!


Please am sorry pardon me

I don't mean to bring any culture difference here. I believe in multicultural practices.

I also have relatives who belong to different culture despite from same family.

Please am sorry.

If my apology approved kindly in box me

Thank you

@Joseph Boateng


april 18 - applied shows pending

april 28 - status still pending


The whole process takes barely 2-3weeks.

But might delay in response to approval of your documents from yr home country

When they delay in replying MoM.

Also mistakes can also delay.

@Joseph Boateng This is just a renewal

2 yrs back i was working in singapore then the company re-applied me but different company name

i wish will not take longer than 3 weeks 🥺

Please let us hope so.

Everything will be fine

Don't worry.

Please if you not mind can you leave yr

Whatsapp contact here so that we

chat please. Or this mine [Personal contact details removed by moderators - please read the forum rules!]

Thank you

Hello everyone,

Please note that contact details should not be posted on the forum for security reasons.

Kindly share such information using the private messaging system.

Thank you,

Cheryl team

Well heard. Thank you

What happen to your approval?

Hi, what happen to your application? is it approved?

Hi everyone,

I applied for my Employment Pass (EP) in the third week of May, and it's now been almost five weeks with the status still showing as pending. Before applying, my background verification was completed.

I'm wondering if anyone could shed some light on what might be causing this delay. Additionally, for those who have had their EP approved for the first time in 2024, how long did the process take for you?

I'd appreciate any insights or experiences you can share.

Thank you!

@vidz5 You can read about what is going on when in the EP approval process here:

Generally, every case is different and you cannot compare the processing times at all.

If your employer needs you urgently, they (not you!) can approack MoM and ask for the status.


Have you received any update from MOM?

@M776 Nope. When did you apply? My one is pending.


Thanks for reply.

Mine applied on 18th june and it's pending.