Is Hội An Too "Touristy"?

Definitely so on a five-day holiday weekend at the basket boat rides...


...and yet where we live in Cẩm Thanh, Hội An, it was a very peaceful day without any traffic or unusual noise.

This type of scene only plays out in the tourist hotspots such as Ancient Town, the river boat rides, basket boat rides and the beaches.

Life in the other semi-rural areas is quite idyllic, IMNSHO...

Definitely so on a five-day holiday weekend at the basket boat rides...


That's hilarious!

You could fall out of a boat and not even get wet.

Same situation here in Phu Quoc, re being "Touristy".

Duong Dong is chock-a-block full with tourists (both local and foreign), while here in Cua Duong it is a beautiful peaceful day.

That's hilarious!
You could fall out of a boat and not even get wet.

Same situation here in Phu Quoc, re being "Touristy".
Duong Dong is chock-a-block full with tourists (both local and foreign), while here in Cua Duong it is a beautiful peaceful day.
-@Aidan in HCMC

It's no different from my hometown, San Diego, or Nashville, Tennessee where I lived for 30 years.

Both are popular tourist destinations with attractions that often become overrun by tourists (San Diego Zoo & beaches; lower Broadway Nashville, Centennial Park Parthenon & the Opryland Hotel area (especially at Christmas time).

But locals know not to venture into those optional areas during peak tourist traffic, and everyday life in those places (aside from freeway traffic) can be quite enjoyable.

I'm certain that this myth about Hội An being too touristy is spread by people who have only been tourists here, especially those who made the mistake of booking a hotel in the Ancient Town area.

Luckily, we got away from the Dương Đông district of Phú Quốc during our 6 weeks or so on the island and were able to discover a lot of very liveable situations in and around old An Thới town, at Bãi tắm Sao, just south of Dương Tơ and up north in Gành Dầu.

all of that to say that it would be just as crazy for people to say that Phú Quốc is too touristy to live there.