Why Algeria is so complicated?

I am Lebanese and live in Canada and I have been talking to my Algerian man for 1 year and had and he did come to Canada in 2018 with visitor visa but he got returned meanwhile we got to know each other through Facebook and we be been together since talking everyday day video call non  stop and the Canadian agent told him he could come back after 5 years to Canada but there is a process.  I have been trying to figure out how to get to him. Either Algeria or Tunis.  It is so complicated.  I am trying my best for him to come here.  Canadian immigration is a total mess.  Can't even talk to anyone on the phone.  I will try to apply for him to visit me. 

I see that I am not the only one in this situation.  I finally meet the man of my dreams and obstacles

For you to get a visa to Algeria is pretty difficult, but not impossible. Meeting in Tunisia would be much easier. However to get legally married it has to be in one of the countries that either of you reside in. The immigration systems are a mess everywhere, try to get an immigration lawyer or specialist service to assist you. Not sure what the Canadian spouse visa requirements are but generally you have to prove you're in a genuine relationship, evidence of meetings, flight tickets, photos, phone bills etc. And there's usually a financial requirement for the person applying for the visa on behalf of their spouse.

A piece of advice I would offer is to have your parents or someone responsible for your welfare know at all times what you doing or where you're going, for your own safety.

Hope that helps, from an English national married to an Algerian, currently living in Algeria.

@Sam4916 thank you very much. We actually never met but we intend to meet in tunesia if it's are last hope. On the Quebec side of Canada it doesn't require an amount of money as long as I have a place to stay. And I can provide for him the basic. We have lots of messenger message and video calls.

I was thinking of hiring a lawyer or someone so he can come. We shall see where all of this takes me. As I'm am 49 years old and his 42. I told him the other day if nothing works he should find himself a younger woman and my heart was broken. And he told me I am talking nonsense. It's been already 1 year and half. I hope to god a door will open for us. Thank you