Holiday Apartment Tangier

Hello All!

I hope you're all doing well! I am looking to spend a few days in Tangier at the end of August with my in laws. I was hoping to rent an apartment/flat for 3 or 4 nights. Other than AirBnB does anyone have any recommendations on how to go about doing so?

A friend told me that I should just drive in to the city and I will see men jingling their keys wanting people to rent flats! I would prefer to be better prepared!

@aviator1  do it online. People who walk around with the keys are just middlemen who rip people off especially tourists. There are lots of websites with reasonable prices especially outside the school holidays. I hope that this helps.

@idouarab2712 Thank you for your reply! Other than AirBnB are there any other sites?


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@aviator1 For a few days, just stay with family. Family drama starts after 3 weeks from my experience. You should be able to handle 3 to 4 days with family.