Colombia Visa Hell, 2023

If you are looking for a place to retire or live as a digital nomad or whatever, try Argentina.

Just as cheap as Colombia on the" blue" dollar and a lot higher quality of life in my opinión  and good healthcare system.

Also México is stilll very expat friendly, although to find an  economic location to settle in you need to do some hunting

If you have a long term Colombiana sweatheart ((wife)you have been living with for years, just keep trying , from inside or outside the country. Family unification is a basic Human Right, and there is a UN charter on the issue  which Colombia has signed. You may have a high priced lawyer to " speed up" the process.

if you are single  looking to."play the field" romantically, just come to Colombia as a tourist.

whatever you do, dont waste your time  effort and future on some Colombiana you met online, and just visited a few times, espescially a single mother.

Colombia, in fact,all.of Latín América is choc- a,-block full.of desperate single women, espescially single moms.

Just as cheap as Colombia on the" blue" dollar and a lot higher quality of life in my opinión  and good healthcare system.

Just for kicks I was my looking for rooms in Buenos Aires on Airbnb. Seemed pricey at first glance. I guess blue dollar only applies if you got dollars to exchange?

You pay with your MC or Visa credit card on line, and  either right away, or later, you will see you end up paying less- about 60% to 65% of the quoted price in $USD.

The listed on line prices arre Arg Pesos converted to $USD at the official rate. Foreign  Credet Cards have a special change rate, 70 % to 80% higher Pesos to Dollar.

I paid or reserved for several hotels there that way

Cash  conversion  , if you can find a place to give you a "blue" conversion, gives you even better rate, 10% to 20% higher. All change houses dont give you the highest blue rate, so it all depends on time you have and convenience, versus getting an even better deal.

If you make a big conversion though, you end up walking around with a big pile of pesos.

@nico peligro"Also México is stilll very expat friendly," Isnt Mexico much more expensive than Colombia because of Mexicos strong peso due to many factors? Also Argentina for me to dfar from USA and i have heard the dating scene is not as friendly. I still need to go and see. I am very attacted to the food and beauty of the country though

@lunamick " the dating seen not as freindly"

Code words for not as many desperate dirt poor women willing to date wrinkly old gringos1f923.svg1f923.svg1f923.svg1f923.svg

@nico peligrothats the way you see it buddy. Must be true for you, not me not every buddy is wrinkly old gringo chasing dirt poor women.

Sad for you that you put everyone in the same basket as yourself. Do me a favor to try to mind read  someone elses posts. Sad person

@nico peligrofor you its play the field  if you are single  looking to."play the field"1f602.svg romantically, just come to Colombia as a tourist.


Ja ja truth hurts

Ok not.wrinkly , maybe overweight, socially inept,  OR maybe none of least in your eyes..LOL


The original post.was " tonguein cheek" It was not meant for you to take it.personally.I have posted similar things several times on othercsites, most people just laugh at it..youvare the first one whobtook it personally.

I guess you are some how " different from most guys who come to Colombia for the women.

If you or any other guy ( including myself) on this site were such Don Juans you wouldnt have to go to Colombia , Phillippines, Thailand for the"women" , true?

At least be a man and admit it. If what I am saying isnt true, why would you even mention it in the first place?

There are plenty of beautiful women in Argentina, and they are not " liberated" beaches like in the US. But they are more European bacground, and dont hang around in Bars and on Tinder and Cupid sites trying to attract foriegners 20 to 40 years older than them, shorter than them, that dont speak their language  or with nothing in common with them socialy, culturally,  etc. are not the first that has mentioned that.

BTW..I dont want to start a war or make enemies..I am just calling BS..

Despite Argentinas economic problems, you never hear of this sort of thing happening..but its Ann everyday occurence in the big cities Colombia … app-woman/

@nico peligroNico you no nothing about me and you continue to try and call me out

I am calling Bs?1f602.svg My point to you is stop trying to mind read, you know nothing about anyone except what they post

I can see you cant stick to what you know, you dont know me and your someone if i met personally i would keep at arms length


If you.met me personally, you would never figure out who it was.

Anyway, you are not the first one who said " dating would be more Argentina"

I Just wonder what the reasoning would be behind such statements  because there are many beautiful, educated interesting Argentina.

Anyway, like I said , I dont want to.make enemies  and some people dont take well dark cynical sense of humour, so lets bygones be bygones and get back on the subject, OK?