Providing CPF when making a purchase


I have been asked a couple of times for CPF when I was making payment for groceries, but it seems to be optional

what is the advantages or disadvantages of providing a CPF when making a purchase?

Thank you

06/30/23 I have been asked a couple of times for CPF when I was making payment for groceries, but it seems to be optional
what is the advantages or disadvantages of providing a CPF when making a purchase?
Thank you

The government for reasons of its own -- which I don't know -- likes to get CPFs on all purchases that they can.  It's optional, which is why they ask every time.  States have lottery-type prizes for participants, and a discount on the VAT on services, which isn't worth much if you don't buy a lot of services.  So I always say "no".

Some pharmacies give a pretty good discount on prescriptions to people over 60 who are enrolled with them by CPF.  My CPF may end up on my receipt from time to time because of that, but I don't mind so much, since the discount is often sizeable.

@abthree Thank you very much for the detailed response. Now I understand

much appreciated

I have been asked a couple of times for CPF when I was making payment for groceries, but it seems to be optional

what is the advantages or disadvantages of providing a CPF when making a purchase?

Thank you

It also seems to be very regional. When I am in Rio, no one ever asks for my CPF, while in my apartment in the city of SP, I get asked a lot. Now I have been living about 6 hours north of SP and get asked for my CPF even buying an ice cream.

@rraypo thank you for your response

CPF na nota? I always say no

I am aware of discount program in some supermarkets like Sao Vicente, where you have to signup and inform your CPF in every purchase.

The government for reasons of its own -- which I don't know -- likes to get CPFs on all purchases that they can. It's optional, which is why they ask every time.
-@abthree I was told that the government likes to broadly balance your income x your expenses. So, if you register 1 million reais of purchases against your CPF, but an income of only1 hundred reais, they may want to ask you some questions...!

06/30/23 @abthree I was told that the government likes to broadly balance your income x your expenses. So, if you register 1 million reais of purchases against your CPF, but an income of only1 hundred reais, they may want to ask you some questions...!
-@Peter Itamaraca

I've wondered about that myself sometimes, and it's not impossible, but I've never found anything authoritative that says it. Besides, it's hard for me to imagine Brazilian systems being robust enough to actually make that work.

I've been a citizen since 2019. The PF systems and the Electoral Justice systems show me as "Brazilian", but the SUS and DETRAN systems still show me as a "Foreigner". If after 3 1/2 years those major systems still can't integrate one CPF, I don't have a lot of confidence in government systems analyzing all the retail and wholesale data in the country and deriving much useful information from it. No nationality at all shows up on our income tax return for either of us, but our payments keep clearing, so I guess we're ok there. 😂 

But I live in Amazonas, and according to the Census, only 8.5% of the population lives in the North; maybe in the Southeast and South, where over 56% of the people and most of the money are, they're paying closer attention.

@abthree Possible, and likely. But maybe also if you are brought before a court for some reason,  they may investigate this further?

I have been asked a couple of times for CPF when I was making payment for groceries, but it seems to be optional

what is the advantages or disadvantages of providing a CPF when making a purchase?

Thank you

You don't have to.  Even if paying through plastic.  They force the issue to get you registered for the data farming, spam whatever corporate wants. 

If they force the issue, walk away and leave the merchandise at the register.

When they ask for my CPF before I use one of those Pay Toilets that´s where I draw the line.

Roddie in Retirement1f575.svg


I will only provide my CPF for home deliveries, everywhere else is optional.  Amazon and others require CPF to verify the package is delivered to the correct home.  It is funny to watch the expressions of people when you decline to give the CPF.  Sometimes they believe it is necessary, so I just have them split the purchase to multiple ones under R$500 each. 

Our equivalent to Staples, Kalunga, stationery.   

They ask me for my CPF everytime for " honoring warranty" excuses.  I give them the cold stare. I never left any numbers there.  There is the printed receipt, and it should suffice for warranty's sake.

I take a perverse pleasure of denying those peepsqueaks at the register any change to get my data. 

@abthree That is interesting.  I never realized you got a discount because of age.  I thought it was related to the pharmacy having your health insurance info on file.  Our vet here used to sometimes prescribe human medications for our dog and I always found it interesting when I got a discount.  But if it is related to age it makes more sense ; ) (my age not the dog's)

CPF na Nota is a Sao Paulo state initiative against "sonegacao" or tax fraud. (I think they have it in some other states too.) In the past, some businesses would fail to register sales in their system or give receipts so that they could avoid paying taxes. So they incentivize consumers to demand the "nota fiscal" by giving them a reward, which requires having their CPF on the nota.

I do not have a CPF, and no one at a grocery store or pharmacy has ever had a problem when I just say, Nao, obrigada. If they look confused, I elaborate, Nao tenho. This blog (in Portuguese) has more info:

If you do not have a CPF, but you have a friend or family member who does, you can give their CPF and they will get extra rewards!

@Droplover old age being an Idioso has parking priceleges, line skip to the front and discounts on stuff... i,always ask if theres an old age discount. Cpf is to keep track of the shit you buy...i also think it somehow ties to your financial credit scores somehow.

Yes, I was very excited when I got to skip the line at GRU for security when flying to the Netherlands in May.  The agent at check in told me to that because I was over 60.  For the "idoso" parking privilege do you have to get some official card?  And if so how do you get it?