Tax in UK if working in KSA


Does anyone know any good tax lawyers in the UK that can offer advice on taking a role in KSA?

My wife and daughter would be staying in our house in the UK while I take a 12 month contract.

Would I still be required to pay UK tax due to having a property and family in the UK?

Hello ScotsTraveller,

Till members provide some recommendations, I would suggest that you contact the professionals registered in the Financial services in Saudi Arabia section You will find some tax advisors.

All the best



Hi, did you get an answer to your query. I have a similar issue.

Best wishes


on income earned in saudi then you will generally not be taxed in the UK as you are not a UK tax resident. 

You will however have to manage how many days you are in the uK in any given tax year.  My understanding is that if you are in the Uk more than 90 days a year your entire income will become Uk taxable regardless of where you earn the money.  But its worth checking that rule as being UK tax resident could be very very expensive. 

Note that regardless of your tax residency status, income you earn in the UK - say on renting out your flat in the Uk - will still be taxable. 

Hello everyone,

Please be advised that the area of UK non residence is complex.

You should most certainly seek professional advice.

Well it is complicated but not that complicated. 

The uk government provide the ground rules here and there is even a quiz to work out your residence status…

My understanding is that if you are in the Uk more than 90 days a year your entire income will become Uk taxable regardless of where you earn the money. 

That is not correct.

HMRC's guidance is in excess of 100 pages in the area of UK non residence as it is complex.

An individuals personal circumstances need to be looked at in detail in order to determine their residence status for each tax year.

HMRC's tool is a guide only and does not take into account split years etc. in which you are classed as UK resident when you leave/return from or to the UK.

The above assumes that an individual is granted split year treatment which also may not be the case if the criteria is not met to be eligible for this.

Professional advice should be taken in this area.