Marrying my Brazilian Boyfriend in Brazil

Hi All

looking for some advice and searching is very confusing.

I am a British National and wish to Marry my Brazilian partner in Brazil ideally in early November.

Right now, we are both in the UK, he is here on a tourist Visa and will return to Brazil on 1st September. He would be there alone for 2 months until i would come for a month in November.

once married, we would then return to the UK and live there, not Brazil.

can somebody please guide on what steps and timelines are realistic given our current and future locations...

especially with regards to registering the intent to marry, i understand this needs to be done 30 days before any marriage date, but could here do that alone without me in September/October or do we both need to be phyically present?

In which case, is there an option to register from the Brazilian embassy within the UK?

Thanks and any advice would be greatly appreciated.


07/11/23 @ryanlesliehand. Welcome!  Given your current location and future plans, your easiest approach by far would be a registry marriage there in the UK, followed immediately by registering the marriage at the Brazilian Consulate there. On his return to Brazil your husband would present the document you receive from the Consulate to his local cartório, and your marriage would be registered in Brazil, as well. There would be nothing to prevent your still having a reception or even a religious ceremony once you arrive in Brazil.

If you really want to get married in Brazil, you can find all the information you need at the site

All the best to you both!

Because he is currently in the UK on a tourist visa, we would not be able to marry in the UK.

He would need to leave the UK, return to Brazil and apply for a new Visa to enter the UK to get married - that costs £1500 ($6k Reais).

it would be cheaper to go to Brazil then apply for UK spouse Visa after married in Brazil.


07/11/23 Because he is currently in the UK on a tourist visa, we would not be able to marry in the UK.

That's tough - I didn't realize that the UK was that strict.  We were married as I described six years ago with no problems since we were planning on living in Brazil, but that was in the US.

Cartórios have some flexibility on the waiting period, so your partner should contact the one in his city that he wants to use, and ask them about getting the ball rolling before you arrive.

The site I noted above lists all the documents that you'll need to have with you to get married in Brazil.

I arrived to Brazil in late October with a passport. I'd like to stay an additional 90 days and planning to get married with my Brazilian partner. Do I need to apply for evisa only to maintain being here legally or do I also need to request an extension from the federal police ? Should I skip applying for evisa and just get the marriage process started now before my passport exceeds the 90 days ? I don't want my legal status to affect the marriage process. We are in Jericoacoara Brazil. Federal Police is in Fortezlea.

You need to apply for an extension from the PF.

    I arrived to Brazil in late October with a passport. I'd like to stay an additional 90 days and planning to get married with my Brazilian partner. Do I need to apply for evisa only to maintain being here legally or do I also need to request an extension from the federal police ? Should I skip applying for evisa and just get the marriage process started now before my passport exceeds the 90 days ? I don't want my legal status to affect the marriage process. We are in Jericoacoara Brazil. Federal Police is in Fortezlea.


@Jeriliving, if you are not leaving Brazil, you do not need to apply for an e-visa.

See: … isa-e-visa

There is a section that describes your case - Travelers entering the country before April 10, 2024, may stay for the entire duration of their visit without a visa, regardless of their departure date.

From what the e-visa instructions says - you have to do the e-visa only if you leave Brazil and come back after April 10, 2024.

Since I have not applied for any extension yet, I would suggest looking at the path that @gasparzhino777 has mentioned for your situation.