Importing a car into Turkey govt links

All, I spoke to the trade team at the Turkish consulate in London.

They advised that I DO NOT HAVE TO remove an imported vehicle every 6 months, but that I cannot sell the vehicle, I can however scrap it if it becomes unroadworthy.

Also that I CAN import more than a single vehicle.

Worthwhile personal notes from me are, unless you:

1) Can link to authorative govt links and/or

2) Have personal experience of the topic.

THEN PLEASE DON'T give opinion based advice (unless an appropriate topic), purely as IMO there are enough 'forum warriors' out there that feel they have to say something, or express an opinion on something they know absolutely nothing of.

So to the email from the Turkish trade office (the second link is in Turkish) is as follows:

"Dear Mr Morgan

You can find all the relevant information about bringing your car to Turkey from the link below. … d-vehicles

Also, please check below link about how to import a car into Türkiye. … icle-guide

So, I shall be importing a little toyota yaris for everyday use and a mercedes SLC for high days and holidays 😀

I have driven my car to Turkey from London.

You can keep it up to a maximum of 2 years. I've already done 2 years, took the car out and stayed out for 6 months then came back.

I do not know about more than one car but you just need to be mindful that not anyone can drive your car in Turkey.

I have driven my car to Turkey from London.
You can keep it up to a maximum of 2 years. I've already done 2 years, took the car out and stayed out for 6 months then came back.

I do not know about more than one car but you just need to be mindful that not anyone can drive your car in Turkey.

Additionally, if you are planning to stay more than two years you need to think about how you would have a car afterwards if it's essential, there's absolutely no way of bringing another one from abroad without you leaving for 6 months.


Are you Turkish or a British citizen?

The rules are different depending on which.

I'm British.

Not sure where the rule are different but they are the same with regards to the 2 year rule.


Have you imported a car from the UK into Turkey, if so when? 😀

Yes, twice. Sep 2019 and Aug 2022