How much does it cost to pay a visit to Ecuador ?

Hi ma from Liberia I want to pay a visit how much do I need to come with doing my visit of one month

For me: Airfare round trip + Lodging + $250 per week. I stayed at Gran Colombia Suites which I definitely recommend for $450 for 15 nights. You can get a discount there with a Yapa card. The rates at Gran Colombia Suites are seasonal I my rate was for first 15 days of May.

There are cheaper places to stay including hostels. One can get by on less than $250 a week also. But I paid for museums, tours, a driver to take me to Ingapirca, ect.

So how much it costs is kind of individual. FWIW I plan to move there in October.

Hope this post is helpful.

Here in Southern Ecuador, I'm sure you could stay and eat comfortably for $250 a week. There are many options for lodging. I live here very comfortably in a huge brand new 3br, 2ba house with all utilities and eat well for $700 +/- per month. I live in Malacatos which is about 20 minutes outside of Vilcabamba. I LOVE IT HERE! Best decision I ever made to move from the USA.  In Colorado, I was struggling daily to make ends meet and here I feel like a millionaire! My stress level is non-existent now and my friends say that I look 10 years younger because I am able to grow the majority of my own food.