Double Taxes Germany / Sri Lanka - Opening Restaurant in SL

I will open a restaurant in Sri Lanka next year and will also open my own bank account for it in SL.

There will be a local manager, but I will continue to live in Germany.

There is a double taxation treaty between Germany and Sri Lanka but I am wondering if I still have to pay German taxes on the income and if it is possible to then transfer the money in rupees to my German account in euros?

Does anyone know?

Please help


Hi Lora, get a good international Colombo accountant. There are different ways to receive an income without paying unnecessary taxes. A professional advice will save you money and time.



@FrancescoFa and get a good international  German accountant to check whatever the Colombo accountant suggests!

@Lora123 Try to consult an accountent acoroding to my knowledge their are limit investment ammount that their are no tax. if you need more about in this regard let me know i will checked and let you know.

@FrancescoFa Hey, thanks for your answer. Do you know any good accountants in SL who are familiar with these topics?