Visiting Brunei December 2023 with prospect of relocating.

Good day All, I am a pharmacist practising in Cape Town, South Africa, and registered as such with South African Pharmacy Council, with my wife, 50 years young, being a teacher in Arabic at senior phase, with 5 years matric marking for International Examination Board (IEB), South Africa, with three minors, twins of 12 and one more of 11.

We are looking at visiting Brunei with the prospect of relocation to Brunei.I am 58 years old and looking at finding a suitable position in Brunei, with my wife as an Arabic teacher and our children studying Qur'an,of which they have already completed 15 Ajazaa (Chapters).For now, we want to fly to Singapore or KL and have checked that we can travel via train and bus to Brunei, as we would like to make it one big trip, trying to ascertain whether to settle in Brunei or Malaysia.I can't find any Visa offices online for a Brunei Visa, and would like to know if we will be allowed in if we travel via Singapore and take a ferry over to Brunei or if it is best to fly in with Royal Brunei Airlines, and get a Visa on arrival and the cost as such per Visa.

Also, we would like to stay in a condominium or a rental house to ascertain the cost of living and rent a car for the time we are there.

There is no train or bus from kl to have to take a flight

relocating only if u are rich. brunei is known for rich country. but people live here low salary. Mostly country money go to subsidies for the people citizen, build mosques, and the Monarchy family. find job is hard u need connection, i used connection.