Anyone know the current CPI rate in Colombia?

anyone know the current CPI  rate in Colombia?

10.6 or 10.8% is last I heard

Its at 11.78% for the month of July … 6%2C68%25.

Practically speaking a year ago I paid 27,000 pesos for a 16oz (454gram) bag of my delicious Quindio coffee and now pay 33,000-36,000 pesos (the cost could double for all I care yet I will be buying it, hehehe).

A dozen eggs use to cost 5 mil now about 8 mil or more.

A gallon of gas was about 7.800/gal and now hitting 14.000 pesos a gallon (hence taxi strikes).

Cost of utilities (we have EPM here in Medellin) are up 15% and always rising.

Any commodity that is imported has a premium price as it's tied to the USD exchange rate.

Across the board and like everywhere else in the world inflation is up.