Serious Situation - need translation

Dear brothers and sisters,

I am in very serious situation, and i am not able to work or do anything. I shall be really greatful if someone can help me.

I just need the translation of whatsapp conversation, it bit long and may take 2,3 hours or may be more. I have made it easy to type the translation infront of each sentense.

So if there is someone, who have heart, and want to save someones life then please help,

Allah will reward you for this. send me private message if possible.

Thanks a lot


This will do it for you. … p-message/

Thanks @Maidenheaven

Many thanks, but it says Link under review,

So i am waiting, till it shows up.

Kind regards

Yes, I saw that. I presume they are making sure it is a legitimate link. It is. :)


You need to translate from which language to what ?

Hello everyone,

The link has been validated.



From Darija to English

@Maidenheaven this is google translate, and i want from Darija to English, anyways thanks

Hello , if you looking for darija Translation tool online for words and small phrases :

This page Instagram @babarodarija will helps you to translate whatever you want .

This is moroccan darija dictionary :