Non English private schools west coast

Hi!  My family is looking to move to the west coast (Rincon/aquadilla/mayaguez) for the 2024-25 school year. We'd like to enroll our three kids (2nd, 4th, 6th) in a private school taught in Spanish.  They're currently in a public immersion Spanish school in the us and both myself and husband are fluent in Spanish (I went to grad school at la UPR rio piedras) and part of the purpose is to continue to build fluency for them.   All the posts I'm finding are about English schools or bilingual schools- but the website of the bilingual schools are all in English so I'm not sure if bilingual means majority English??  Any insight appreciated!  We'd consider other areas too but want near the coast and not the San Juan metro area.  Thank you!

Hello! The best fully Spanish school in all of western Puerto Rico is Academia de la Inmaculada Concepción in Mayagüez. Liceo Aguadillano in Aguadilla is bilingual but not an All-English school. I would recommend you to check out both of these schools depending on the area that you may choose. Good luck!

Thank you 

i will definitely check this out!!
