People currently living in Floreal?

Hi there, We are looking to live in Floreal as a family and would love to hear from people who live there. We visited a house there and loved the green. We understand it rains more than on the coast but does it rain that much in Floreal?

An agent even sent us an ad in Curepipe.

Estate Agents (not only in Mauritius) make up their own areas to match their marketing rhetoric

(for example they say anything from Pointe aux Piments, and Mon Choisy to Cap Malheureux and Calodyne are part of Grand Baie which clearly they are not according to the Administrative District and Municipal subdivisions of Mauritius). Grand Baie is a very small area and does not even include the adjacent and much larger Pereybére.

in the same vane they market Floreal, Forest Side, Midlands and Nouvelle France as suburbs of Curepipe.   All of these are at a higher altitude than areas closer to the beaches, and as such are definitely a few degrees cooler throughout most of the year, often with a pleasant cool breeze, and they do receive more precipitation.