Can you have a homebirth in vietnam?

I'll be six months pregnant when I arrive to Vietnam, and I'm wondering if its possible to have a home birth in vietnam. Also wondering if there are midwifes available? Or more natural minded doctors who will take my no as no and ask before they do anything with baby or me if i were to give birth in a hospital.

    I'll be six months pregnant when I arrive to Vietnam, and I'm wondering if its possible to have a home birth in vietnam. Also wondering if there are midwifes available? Or more natural minded doctors who will take my no as no and ask before they do anything with baby or me if i were to give birth in a hospital.

    -@tirzah. laurelle

An international hospital such a French in Hanoi is probably a good place to start gathering information as you explore your options.

Any good maternity department will advise you as to what you should do should an out of hospital delivery be required.

If there's an option to actually plan an out of hospital delivery, they will certainly be able to advise you.

Hopefully they have a list of midwives associated with the hospital that they can recommend.

Once your child is born, you can register the birth with the US Embassy & Consulate in Vietnam website:

Good luck & welcome to the forum