Service apartment for rent in Kampot

Hi everyone, I`m looking for a service apartment in kampot, I hope to have WiFI,wash machine, AC available,is such offers (service apartments) available in kampot at all? thank you


Of course.

Get involved with the various Kampot groups on Facebook and you will get all offers of accommodation.

Good luck.



Yes, you can rent such apartments in Kampot, but they're hard to find. I suggest you go to Kampot, rent a guesthouse room, and then begin diligently searching for the apartment you want. You might get lucky and find what you're looking for right away, or it could take a few months. Good luck!

I think in kampot you could find an all inclusive apartment. We had a smaller one bedroom apartment some months ago in Siem Reap. It was not called a service apartment but it had just about everything you name. Wifi was free, AC was there but we paid for it, and laundry was provided next door. Alin found this place for $180 a month. It also had a swimming pool which we both liked a lot. I would do what others suggested and find a guesthouse first but also if you know any Khmer people in Kampot I would enlist their aid in looking. All of the places we have found have been because of Alin searching on her moto for them and not because they were advertised or whatever.  The house now she found searching an area she wanted to live in and talked to a friend who knew of the place. She bargained this place for us too.

Good luck!

If you want khampot contact Steve at *** he's very good and honest!!! I got mine for 200 dollers a month

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To get a Facebook account and join Kamppot Noticeboard is the way. I was totally absent of Facebook, until I establish myself in Kampot. Joining Fb from then proved very useful / helpful.

@Pablo joule agh sorry about that was just trying to helpfull

@Fred Cambo

Not only Noticeboard, there are more FB groups like Kampot and kep real estate, Kampot real estate message board.

So enough to scroll around.
